Cosmic i am more than enjoying it already as my hypnobirthing teacher is lovely and in the past 4 weeks that i have known her has gone out of her way to help me,
Sarah course i don't mind you asking, I think it depends on your teacher if its one to one or in a group, my teacher does both but think most will do both too, if you go on the hypnobirthing website they have the list of teachers in your area and some have there own website, at first my teacher wanted to do me one to one but was charging me the same as group sessions because of complications but after a few pre-sessions we have decided that were more than happy to do it in a group as the other couple want to meet new people, in my area it costs 350 for one to one sessions or 250 in a group but its only costing me 150 as my teacher has a special offer on, think it may vary on what area your in xx