First Evening Alone!! Going nuts!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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OH goes Football Coaching every Tue night but he is normally home by 7.30pm.
Today he has a football meeting after coaching so he won't be home until about 9.30pm.
It's the first time I have been alone with Phoebe during the evening for this long! Sounds daft but I am totally not coping!! She definately knows he is out because she is worrying me stupid!! Hasn't really settled yet even though she went to bed at 6pm. She is making humming noises in her sleep (never does this normally) Is making a funny noise when she breathes out and when I check her (have done about a million times already!) she looks like she is breathing quicker than normal!
I've turned into a paranoid nutter!! :wink:

LOL :lol:
Take it easy, OH will be home soon!
Sounds like you have done well, your not a paranoid nutter!!!
lol awww hun they like to do that to us dont they lol

hell be home soon lol
LOL hunnie! You should have rang - I'd keep you company - sent you a message on MSN - guessing you've abondoned the PC :lol:
lol Bubble, when OH went out to wet the babies head (grrr) I sat in the room next to her cot as I was convinced that the monitor wasn't working right and she was wheezy. Got very little sleep but OH will be home by now and you can relax xx
beanie I was still in hospital when OH went to wet the babys head, I had the the friday morning and he went out that night!!!!!! :shock:
I was totally freaked out the first time the DH went out for the evening and left me with sam.

This weekend I went out and left him with DH, for the whole night! He coped just fine and wasn't at all worried. !!! :roll: :roll: :roll: Git! :wink:
I have been alone with Rubie every night since she was a week old, OH starts work at 4am so he is in bed before 9pm. I hated it at first but now I enjoy the peace lol :lol:

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