First day of period?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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I don't know if I should have counted the first day of my last period as Thursday 2nd or Friday 3rd. I was spotting from lunch time on the Thursday and got a light AF late evening, but it didn't get heavier till the Friday, so I counted it from then. But now I'm thinking I should have counted it from the Thursday, cos you can put spotting or light flow on FF, can't you. So have I messed my chart up now. What do you all do if you start AF in the evening? Count it from the next day?
Whenever AF starts whether its spotting or heavy is what I count as the first day no matter whether its evening or not (although I cant remember the last time mine started in evening, its always morning) :hug:
Oh right, so that means I won't be due on till tomorrow then, cos that will be my usual 24 day cycle. I wonder if I should change that chart or just leave it?
I always count day one when it is full flow blood, When you put spotting into fertility friend it does not count it as cd1 it only starts a new cycle when you put in light, medium or heavy.
I think it was light flow by about 9pm, so would you call that day 1?
I would put into ff lightflow and it will sort it out for you, but yes I would say that was day 1 :hug: :hug: I wish our bodies was not confusing :wall: :wall:
lol. I don't know whether to change it on FF or leave it. What do you reckon?
I've changed it. I thought I would have to chnage the whole chart, but only had to change the 1st day and it adjusted the rest for me. :D

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