first christmas song in the shops


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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There was a thread a while back guessing when the first christmas music would be in shops.

Woolworths in Tamworth have on a Christmas album today and the first song I had the pleasure of hearing was Santa Claus is coming to town.

:x :x :x :x :x

It's just not right, Christmas is like aaaaaaaages away.

Though to be fair I thought the tacky card shops would be the first with the tacky music, but no, Woolworths.

I'm so ashamed of my town. LOL
I LOVE christmas songs :oops: :)
Our local christmas display opened last night and Keeley went to see santa today :lol:
Oooh I bloody love it too!! :cheer: :cheer:

So excited this year, it's Jude's first Christmas!
i think it spoils the whole christmas thing when its started tooooo early.
I say keep christmas in december!!!!

who agrees! :cheer:
bloody DFS adverts with Mariah Carey 'all i want for xmas' was the first xmassy thing i heard, think they came out in Oct????

December is xmas, no other time!!!! :x
I think it's OK to start from about a month before Christmas. I love the build up, it's the best bit!
To my shame i went to Mucky D's on Sat and they had a xmas album playing!!!
They were playing christmas songs in new look a few weeks back but i think it was a random thing.
next usually start theirs quite early! Drives poor DH mad having to listen to them everyday over and over!

I love christmas but I agree it should be kept in december :D
when i done work experience in new look a few years ago..... longer than that actually lol they had a tape or cd on and it played the same songs over and over in the 8hr shifts all week was so freaking annoying :roll: havnt heard any yet in a shop here :)
ive not heard any yet most places in our town dont start playing them till the towns lights gey switched on which is next week i think
i cant wait im so christmas crazy i wish i could put my decs up now but gareth says no way :(
budge said:
i think it spoils the whole christmas thing when its started tooooo early.
I say keep christmas in december!!!!

who agrees! :cheer:

I agree!

Don't get me wrong I'm soooo excited as it's Brody's first Christmas but the novelty wears off if it starts too early!
I agree with budge and jools and keep it in december. If they started it on the first they then have a nice run up to christmas.

Weew only just had bloody guy fawkes, its all money monwy to these places
i spoilt xmas last year by putting my tree up too early, by the time 25th came round i was sick of it! there was no xmas feeling. I thought id try and not think about it this year but theres been no end of xmas adverts on the telly! :x 1st december should be when there aloud to do stuff like that.
each to their own people!

I LOVE xmas :cheer: :cheer: I put my tree up this week infact - this has something to do with the fact that by December I doubt I will have tihe enthusiasm so I did it now. I dont get sick of it being up but I get very sad when I have to take it down :cry: it just looks so cosy and beautiful!
jools221181 said:
My dad put his tree up on the 20th October! :shock: :oops: :lol:

:cheer: :cheer: someone else on my Mums wavelength - she put hers up a couple of weeks ago & Ive just inherited the premature xmas gene from her :D

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