Oh my goodness, you poor thing, what a stressful situation to be in. I think the other ladies have given some really good advice.
1. Keep your finances totally separate from his.
2. Get him into CAB or the bank for some straight talking about his financial situation, things will just go from bad to worse once little one arrives if he doesn't sort it now.
3. Do NOT sell ANY of your property, it's not your debt.
4. Seriously think about moving in with your parents (with or without him) as you really don't need these sort of pressures while pregnant or with a young baby.
I hate to say it but if he's not willing to even try to resolve his financial situation by any means possible at this dire stage, ie, by selling anything and everything he can get his hands on to ensure that you're not stressed and that baby has the best start to life it can possibly have, then I have to wonder whether he has the emotional or intellectual maturity to be a good father /role model? Sorry to be so harsh
he seems to be taking the ostrich approach and either waiting for someone else to miraculously appear and bail him out or for it all to go away, not what you need at the moment.
if it was me, if he refused to do the responsible thing and sell everything to get back on the straight and narrow, I'd walk. he's a financial time bomb and it's about to explode, and he doesn't appear to have the slightest interest in defusing it. bottom line is it's not your responsibility. it's not your debt, and if he won't sort it, it doesn't bode well for your future. He's the father of your child and you both have an obligation to provide security for that child, and all he's bringing to the table is a mountain of debt and uncertainty and no apparent inclination to resolve it.
I hope he can do the decent thing and resolve things, for all your sakes.
I know money isn't everything but unfortunately, it does make the world go round and bringing baby up on love alone really just isn't an option.