first babies

Jacob was born at 34 weeks. No reason at all, my waters just broke and out he came 6 hours later! He was definitely a surprise! I had such an easy pregnancy as well :shock:
budge said:
dionne said:
my first was born at dead on 35weeks

no reason atall.

i seen the midwife the morning before and baby was not even engaged. i had no signs nothing untill i started dribbling water then i went into labour :D

dionne i had a shock when i read that. they way you've writen it sounds like you had a still born baby. :(

:( :shock: i have edit it
Morgaine was 11 days late and turned during labour so she was transverse ended up with a 27 hour labour and good old forceps - she was 8lbs.
luke was born at 37+4. he was known to be smaller as my placenta gave up and was giving him insufficient nutrition. picked up on a doppler scan. i was due to have a planned section on feb 12th but went into labour on feb 10th and had him by emergency section on the 11th. i also had low amniotic fluid and he was in breech position from 35 weeks.
My waters broke at 35+6. When my labour still hadn't started I was induced and Dan was born at exactly 36 weeks. No reason why he decided to come early.
I was induced at exactly 39 weeks as my waters were slowly leaking and they were worried that Ellie wasn't growing properly.
with my first born, i was 9 days early...

With my 2nd i went in to labour at 32 weeks and had a section..
I went into labour at 37 weeks 5 days. I'm still unsure if my dates were right all along as by my dates he was 2 days late!
Josh didnt want to wait and came bang on his due date :dance: Glad really after all the late and induced stories you hear about.
Oliver was born at 37+4 - no reason for this, he just decided he had waited long enough! He was 8lb 6oz so glad he didn't hang around for too much longer!! :lol:
Eloise was 12 days late - was about to go in to be induced at 8:30am but went into labour at 3:30am!
She was born at 10:48pm at 8lb14.5oz! I thought that was bad enough never mind you ladies who had bigger!!
I was 40wks +13days for Arianna!! She was far to comfy to come out!
My LO was just one day early. Went into labour on the 17th Dec at 4pm and had him on the 19th Dec 8.51am. I had a fantastic labour even though it was long and the last bit was hard with forceps.

Wish i could have that precious time all over again!
madi was born at 34+5 weighing 3lb 11

madi was early due to pre eclamsea and i had a section
Had Isabella at 37 weeks, I knew I would have her baby early as I had an incompetent cervix, was lucky to last that long.
emma was 30 weeks when she was born she came early due to reduced blood flow to her after a crash and weighed 2lb 15.5oz
Alex came at almost 38 wks and weighed a healthy 7lb 10oz
Gabriella was born at 37 + 1 and weighed a healthy 7lb 2oz.
No reason, my waters just broke

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