

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Playing in the garden ealrier on with Jack and Amy and smelt something really horrible looked up and saw black thick smoke bellowing in the sky from not to far from house.

My friend rang me from down the road and said it was the local primary school on fire! some older kids and set it alight!!

Went to have a look (cos I'm nosey) and as i got there they were pulling a 6 yr old out of the building! :shock: :cry:
BUT... just as they did the roof collapsed!! it was an awful sight.

My friend was there that is a police man and he said there was a 4 yr old still in there! I came back as my mum was watching the kids and went back to the school at 6 when Andy got home and they still hadn't found her :(

Suddenly a policeman came to shift everyone out of the way and i was just about to walk over to my police friend to get an update and i heard him on his walky talky saying " we found it!!"
i just walked off, they obviously found the 4 yr old and shifted everyone so they could bring the kid out!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :( :(

The fire is still going on now and it is 8.30pm!!!

Kids have nothing better to do obviously than set schools alight but this has resulted in 2 young children beingseriously injured or probably killed!!!
I'm shaking, it was an awful sight but to hear that to!!
:shock: Oh Yvonne that is awful!!!
I hope the little ones ok, keep me updated will you
Where did this happen, there might be something on news about it
Do you know i am in shock, and i bet if they catch the littl ebuggers they will get away with it :evil:
jo said:
i bet if they catch the littl ebuggers they will get away with it :evil:

Thats what really pees me off. I bet they wouldnt even careless about if there was a child in there or not and the law just lets them get away with it arrgghh makes me sick!
Well they will cos they won't be old enought o get charged for it!!! soooo annoying.

It is in stockport which will be the north west, i watching in north west tonight, it may be on the 10.30 news!!

But the annoying thing was as i was walking home, (there were cops everywhere) and someone asked this police lady if anyone had been hurt and she said " i don't think so" :shakehead:

So i don't know what will be reported on the news!

It may be that they were uninjured and they didn't want to cause a big scene but the rate those flames were going i can't see it!
They are bloody idiots to do that,
Makes me so angry in a local newspaper i read that this lady was 4 months pregnant and lost her baby which was a little girl, they then got a grave for her made it all pretty etc and some lowlife came and stole two hand painted metal buckets and a small crystal gardian angel brought by her nan and placed there for her they wernt worth anything but it was a massive sentimental value to the family i mean whats the world coming to these days???
violet-glow said:
jo said:
i bet if they catch the littl ebuggers they will get away with it :evil:

Thats what really pees me off. I bet they wouldnt even careless about if there was a child in there or not and the law just lets them get away with it arrgghh makes me sick!

Of course they will get away with it! They will have come from bad homes and therefore should be allowed to act as they please.

that is aweful those kids should be put away its horrible, i got goosbumps when i read this please keep me updated.
I am silly but i can't get it out of my head the pictures of these 2 children panacing and crying for their parents while their school is bellowing in smoke and flames and them in it!! its awful! :( :(
This is something that has always concerned me... all these little toe-rags that go around wrecking other peoples' property, etc. I know for a long time in the UK now, people have been saying that there seems to be more protection for the offender than for the victim. I also don't think that these little shits will be prosecuted... they'll get a handshake, a PSP and sent on their way!!!

Emilia xx
i have just heard from a friend who's garden backs onto the school and it has just been put out fully now. Firebrigade are still hanging round to make sure there is no more outbursts.

I forgot to say it was that big that they had to go to a water outlet 1/2 mile down the round to get extra water it was that big!

It was a scary sight there were fire and ambulances and police, its the worst i have ever seen.
lets just hope everyone is ok who was involved the offenders will get their just desserts one day
lauramum01 said:
violet-glow said:
jo said:
i bet if they catch the littl ebuggers they will get away with it :evil:

Thats what really pees me off. I bet they wouldnt even careless about if there was a child in there or not and the law just lets them get away with it arrgghh makes me sick!

Of course they will get away with it! They will have come from bad homes and therefore should be allowed to act as they please.

Pffft we have loads round here like that, parents take no responsibility at all!!!!!
and to make it worse i would bet a tenner that the parents will either say' No it can't have been Jake he was at home with me'!!!!
Or "My son would never do anything like that 'cos the sun shines outta his arse!!!!"

they all need a good slap and someone to stand upto them

Ok rant over for now[/quote]
they should really find things to do for kids during the summer holidays, there bad enough at night bored, but for like 8 wks wi nothing but boredom, its no wonder they end up endangering lifes :twisted:
That poor school has now been set on fire 3 times and bombed once since it opened!!! its been open about 15 yrs.

It has open fields surrounding it and it is easy for the scally wags to run!

I can't believe they did it so close to home time, don't they realise that not everyone goes home bang on 3.15pm those poor kids were probably in an after school club or something...... i would hate to be there parents turning up after to work to collect them to see that and to be told their children could be dead or seriously injured!! :cry: :cry: :( :(
Oh Yvonne don't it doesn't even bear thinking about, Our Em goes to after school stuff all the time!!!

Yvanne i totally agree with you, Emily just got a etter for a summer playscheme which is in the town just down the road from us costs £7.25 for 8-13yr olds and £3.00 for every morning and 2 afternoons for 5-7 yr ods, so a lot of cash really when you include bus fares and stuff.
The councils need to do something, more community centres and stuff with things they would like to do not poxy stuff they would just wreck, the children should be consulted on what activities they would like to do.
the park across 4m me has just had a major revamp but hows this for a laugh.......
instead of swings there is a spinny round stick which u have 2 hold on 2(ouch sore arms)

instead of a chute there is nothing

the roundabout has bn replaced with... like a climbing frame but its not

and they think this is gr8, so now i have 2 go miles 2 take chloe to a park, and that 1 which was always busy is constantly deserted and looks a mess :wall: makes me so damn angry, proves i pay my council tax 4 wasters.
omg thas awfull, hope your ok yvonne, bet your in shock at the moment.

poor children
That's so horrible those poor people. Those little shits will get away with it and those other poor families will suffer forever. :cry: :(
OMG Yvonne, that is awful! :cry:

Have you heard any more about the little ones that were in there???

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