Financial help: which is best apprenticeship or unemployed

Mar 5, 2012
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Hello everyone. I am looking for some financial help. I am aged 18 and I'm 17 week pregnant and going to be a single parent. I am currently completing an apprenticeship, my wage is 100 per week for doing 30 hours. I do not think i am entitled to any benefits. After paying my bus fair and other outgoings I have 50pound left a week. Which isn't much when pregnant. If I was to give up work can anyone tell me what im entitled to? Many thanks and please dont judge xx
There is a government website, I think it's called entitled to, or something like that.
How long do you have left on your apprenticeship? If its doable to complete it, that would be worthwhile xx
i would say long term, if you can afford to (sorry i don't know the financials either way) that the apprenticeship would be better as it will increase your chances of employment later on. Hoep yu find out where you stand financially!
When I was pregnant and had to leave my job I was only entitled to JSA, so if possible try and continue with your apprenticeship as you'd have more money! Once you are at the stage where you'd take maternity leave you may be entitled to maternity allowance from the government! Like Cos said, entitled to website should help you x
you'd get JSA then after 28weeks you get income support until baby is 5 years old after baby is born you will also get help with child tax credit plus child benefit. and if its your first you will get a grant for 500 as its your first born x x x if you need any more help just ask.
I know that if you walk out of a job or employment opportunity such as an apprenticeship, they dont always help you. I would just stick with what you are doing now, and you will probably be eligible for the sure start grant for baby things you need.
anna is this your first year of an apprenticeship? xx
Being unemployed and pregnant, you are only entitled to Jobseekers Allowance unfortunately, which is £53.45 per week.. So you're better off working until LO is born.. Also, if you resign from your job, the job centre can delay you getting JSA. As far as I am aware, as long as you meet the criteria and are eligible, you can claim maternity pay for 39 weeks (Either Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance). If you're not entitled to this, then you could try applying for the Sure Start Maternity Grant of £500, which will help getting a lot of the baby stuff.. When LO is here you'll be entitled to: child benefit, child tax credit, housing benefit, council tax benefit and income support. You'd still be getting your maternity allowance too. You can find calculators online which will give you amounts you're likely to receive.. Hope this helps! xx

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