Finally home! (bit of a ramble, sorry xx)

xx sarah xx

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hi everyone, thank you all soooooo much for thinking of me :hug:
I've had a really horrible day :( we got to the hospital and were told I needed to have a few tests before my scan so I had blood pressure and bloods taken, urine checked, they listened to baby's heartbeat and had a look up there :oops: They messed around with a doppler that wasn't picking up anything before deciding the batteries were flat, but not before I was sobbing! When they put the second doppler on my belly and my baby's heartbeat was loud and clear I was so happy my heart could of popped! They said my BP wasn't up enough to be classesd as high, but my pulse was a little high and I have protien in my urine, but no sign of a UTI. The midwife was getting ready to take me for my scan when the (horrible!) consultant on call decided I can't have one as "they are very difficult to arrange on a saturday and there isn't an urgent need!" Then after most of the maternity staff had had a poke about in there and checked my urine and BP another 20 times, the midwife wanted me to stay overnight as I had pre-eclampsia with Lily, when the same consultant said "no, no, it's impossible, we're far too busy to find a bed for a non-priority". I know it was wrong of him, but my OH kinda lunged over the bed at him so he quickly said he'd get me a scan on monday and left. So I just have to take it easy til monday, when I'll have my scan and appointment with my normal consultant straight after. I'm glad I heard the baby's heartbeat, but the consultant was so horrible he almost made me feel like I was wasting their time :(
Anyway, i'm really really sorry for the long post, just wanted it all my chest really. Thanks again for all your support, I love you all! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Glad to hear your home and the heartbeat was strong.

Bloody consultants can be idiots!! If it was happening to them or their partners it would be a different story!

Rest up and get pampered. Great you have a scan booked for monday but if you have any more problems get straight back up that hospital and dont take no for an answer!!!

Take care of you and bump x :hug:
Hi Sarah,
What a terrible day you've had :(
There have been many people worrried about you and bump even my hubby kept telling me to check for news. I've just read him your post and he called the consultant some names I don't think I'd be allowed to post on this site! Sometimes I wonder why these people wanted to be doctors. :wall:
Anyway you've got to get rest and try to stay positive until Monday. Think of the wonderful heartbeat you heard and send your precious babes lots of happy vibes :)
You are in my prayers
AnnaMaria and baby boy bump XX
Rest, rest and rest....and when you need something can't do it, cos your bum has to be glued to the bed/sofa...except pee of course.

I'm so happy you heard the baby's heartbeat thats such a good sign... I'm sorry you had to put up with such a to***r at the hospital.... You weren't wasting their were a priority, what if you had had pre-eclampsia???? Thats a priority, and if you have had it again, you're even more a priority... I can see why your OH went for him.... :x :x :x :x Horrid doctor..

At least you are seeing your own consultant on Monday .... Just rest hunny as much as you can... We will all be thinking of you on Monday :pray: :pray: :pray:.... what times your appointment so we can start bugging you?
Glad that you got to hear the heart beat and know that everything's ok. As for the consultant - what a nob. At least you'll have your normal consultant tomorrow. Like squiglet said, you take it easy today and good luck with your scan tomorrow. What time u got it btw?
hiys sarah, was such a relief to get your text yesterday saying that you'd heard the heartbeat. Wasn't sure wether to text you or not but im glad i did now.
what a horrible day you've had, just make sure you glue ur bum to the bed like Squiglet said!

Hope you have a better day today, and just as annaespana1 said, keep remembering what you heard.

all our love :hug:
Glad you heard the heart beat and you don't have the pre eclampsia again :)

Sorry you were treated so badly at the hospital :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope everything goes better tomorrow and they treat you better :hug:
Hi hun, Sorry you're having such a rough time. Consultants can be awful can't they?
I just though I'd let you know that I had high BP and protien in my urine at my 19 week appt but when i went back last week it had settled and the protien had gone....i had pre-eclampsia last time too.
I know that everyones diferrent obviously, but thought that might give you hope that things will be ok!
Good luck for Monday,you're being very brave :hug:
Awwww, I'm glad it's not anythin major. The way they have treated you is horrible! Keep resting and good luck for tomorrow x
Good luck tomorrow - sorry you are having such a rough time :hug: :hug:

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