finally had my baby on 6th october :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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sorry ive not been on in a while folks, dont know if anyone had noticed though :)

Anyway, my little boy finally made his appearance on 6th october :D Was a really rough ride after being booked in to be induced on 4th oct but then there were no rooms in delivery side of hospital so had to wait until a room was free to carry on!!

Since then ive been quite traumatised by the experience (nothing went to plan, my epidural failed & i had a dr that only focuses on baby & not mother get involved to finally make baby arrive - needed suction cap so she was very rough with me... oh & did i mention the little blighter was back to back all the way through labour?!)

I hope everyone is ok. Im shattered, breastfeeding is taking it out of me as little luke didnt take to it very well & at one point he was feeding every 20-30 mins for 10 mins for 12 hours!!! Thankfully its now calmed down a bit after a meeting with out local NCT breastfeeding councellor :)

Hopefully this motherhood lark will settle down a bit more in the weeks to come as well....
oh & when he finally arrived he was apparently at 40wks +15days :)
You poor thing :hug: I am pleased things are settling down a bit now for you but what a rough ride you had to go through to get there.
Are there any pics of the little man in question for us to see :think:
congratulations! hope things get a bit easier for u now :D
ill try & get some pics on when i get time & figure out how to! :)

What a tough time you had though, poor you. No wonder you are feeling traumatised. Make sure you talk it over with somebody. Us Mums do get forgotton about, you're quite right.

Well done for perservering with breast feeding too.

Things will get easier over time :hug:
Congrats hun! I'm so sorry to hear you had a traumatic labour and delivery! Well done you for coming thru it and for being so brave! :hug:
Congratulations on the birth of little Luke :cheer:

Hope the breastfeeding is sorting itself out :hug:

Hope things ar settleing down for you hun :hug:
Theres loads of supporton here for you hun so dont hide wa if you feel things ar getting on top of you.
Looking orward to birth story and pics :hug:

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