finally got a decision


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well i just got back from my prenatal and i finally have a date for my section it is on Tuesday June 19th and i will know a time on the 13 when i meet with the surgeon.
Baby is also lower then last week and things are progressing nicely so im hoping LO stays put until the 19th now!!
I am so nervous now that i know a date but have 2 weeks to prepare so i am going to have a good cleaning of my house and get last little bits ready.

Well, good luck hunny, at least now you have a date. :)
Oh that's so exciting, the 13th is only a week away (for your times etc.) but how wonderful that you know his arrival date and all. Time to get prepared now, those last little bits....only a fortnight to go!! :cheer:
ah wow hun... i never knew this... well let hope my LO makes her appearance before then :D


are you all set and ready
ooh groovey it must be fabulous to kno when ur gonna meet ur LO. good luck with it all! :hug:
Great news Katrina only 2 weeks to go you lucky thing. :hug:
How exciting, bet you cant wait now :dance: .
Good luck hun :hug:
Great news :hug: good luck with everything , its so exciting you'll be holding LO in 2 weeks :dance: .
Great news - glad you finally got a decision! :hug:
Oh i am so pleased for you it must be exciting, just don't go to mad with cleaning and getting things ready as he has to stay put until that date :)
So you know exactly when you get to meet your little one! My 36 week scan revealed my placenta had moved so no need for a c-section for me. Looks like I'll be going the distance. Best of luck.

Thanks girls :D Im am excited but also very very nervous about getting the epidural ect and another section :? Its also kinda wierd knowing when hes coming it makes it seem more real .
I think i will forever be wondering when he would of come on his own though lol.

neeko- im having it done due to me having a small pelvis and LO too large

soexcited- you could very well still have your LO before me we will be 39+3 when i go in :)

alsha- ill try not to go over board lol but ia m nervous now that he will come before that date now that i have a date but then i guess if hes ready hes ready

loobylou - glad you dont have to go through with the section hun its really hard to recover from

Congratulations on getting your CS date. :dance:

Take it easy with the house cleaning. You don't want to risk upsetting LO before time by overdoin things. :hug:
Wow! I nearly missed this post!

Glad to hear you've got a date set now. Good luck hunny! :hug:

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