Finally Glowing!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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For the first time in months I'm actually starting to feel moderately attractive again :) During the 1st Tri I had several comments (mainly from the older generation who have no tact lol :poke:) how pale and sickly I looked. I just felt sallow, spotty and flabby :-? Then the other day at work my friend commented that I looked really glowing and well and that pregnancy definately agrees with me... OH has also made some nice comments too (although he has to he has to live with me lol) am now sporting a proper bump too not just bloat yay! Anyone else feeling more human again? x x
Hiya good to hear I stil have no bump but yes every1 was saying how pale I was and sickly then boom all of a sudden on friday at work got told I looked glowing and had a beautiful complexion does feel amazing doesnt it nothing like compliment to pick us up!xx
Looking forward to getting that glowing look, still no bump for me yet. I've not had any spots so far and greasy hair has cleared up, sickly, ill look has gone now so maybe I'll start blooming soon too!
I'm glad you are feeling good hun. I too am starting to feel good, and my OH and family etc are starting to make some nice comments for a change! hehe xxx
I don't know if I look more glowing as had no comments yet but I certainly feel glowing!!! Got my energy back and appetite and feeling little monkeydoodle kicking away now!! :)
yay for tri 2! Good to hear some of you are starting to feel and look good - how exciting you're feeling your LO kick Bunnykins I can't wait till I start to feel something other than stretching pains!

Lucyann & Sarah - I'm sure you'll both be sporting lovely bumps soon in the meantime make the most of getting away with your normal clothes - I had to clear out all my high waisted skirts yesterday and put them in the loft - felt quite shocked at how tiny my waist used to be... sigh! x x
It is lovely, I started with flutters about 17 weeks but now they are definately teeny kicks, you've not too long to go now before you should start feeling something :)
I still feel a bit crappy. I've got a load of spots on my back which I've never ever had before. So wearing anything strapless makes my very very self concious and ends up with me changing before I've even left the bedroom!
I'm utterly exhausted too so it's only when I gear up enough energy to actually make a bit of effort that I feel good about myself.
When me and the OH went pushchair shopping a couple of weeks ago, he'd gone out to do some bits whilst I got up and ready and when he pulled back up at the door, he said 'wow' you look gorgeous and has done a few times since. So I guess I do have that glow when I can be arsed to make the effort! lol! xxx

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