finally able to say i belong here :D


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
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hello ladies, I am so happy to finally get to my 14th week and onto my second tri. not been sick now for 2 days so hopefully thats the brunt of that done fingers crossed. i've not been having as many stretchy pains i was over the last few weeks but have noticed my tummy getting harder and bumps starting to form :D cant wait for my 16 week app a week on tuesday to hear the babies heartbeat. so excited and my OH is just as excited and he helps me through everything i love him so much going to buy our first present for the baby next week in edinburgh when we go away for a wee weekend together cant wait. well hope to get to know all of you :D

Hello and welcome hun! When is your 16 week appointment? Mine is on the 16th of august although I'll probable be nearer 17 weeks gone at the time. I can't wait too! :) xx
hi lulabell, my 16 week is the 2nd of august ill be 16 weeks on the 3rd, i cannot wait hehe just cant wait to know everything is okay more than anything. how has your pregnancy been so far?

Welcome Hun I have my 16 week appt 3rd august il be 16 wk 3 days! Ul like tri 2 x

Tri2 goes so much quicker than tri 1 :)

Welcome to Tri 2 :) I have my 16 week appointment on 2nd August! I will be 17 weeks though as my 12 week scan moved me forward a week :) x x x
My 12 week scan put me back to 10 and 5 days was gutted lol. All good tho, thought I was by this sickness had 3 days without but came back yesterday will just have to see how today goes. Woke up an my lovely OH had made me tea and toast to help me feel better so sweet :)

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