Final attempt...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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To increase my breastmilk.

I have expressed till i've bled, had a baby constantly on the boob for 48 hours, fed religiously every 2-3 hours, i'm taking domperidone and today i have started taking fenugreek.

If this doesnt work, i will accept my lot and that will be that.

I will continue to combi feed as i really love bf and i'm glad i can give him something from me, even if it is only a little.

Cam is 4 weeks old now, and i can honestly say that i have tried my hardest and given it a dam good go. I would have loved to exclusively bf and i am disappointed that i cant but theres nothing more i can do. Ciircumstances are beyond my control- i cannot force my boobs to make more milk, but as long as Cam is happy and healthy then thats all that matters.

Hi hun, i.have managed 7 weeks as they say it takes about 6 weeks to establish supply but it didnt work(i didnt try domperidone) and i am still combi feeding.
So if doesnt work,.dont feel.guilty re topping up, as long as everyone is happy, thats whats important

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
My supply is established at pretty much diddly squat!! I have had a max of 8mls when i express and thats it!!! I'm hoping Cam gets a bit more than that from me when he feeds! I will keep going with the course of domperidone and see if the fenugreek helps but i am not all that confident tbh.

There is a guide on the formula that tells you how much they should have for their age and he pretty much has that each time, so i really dont think i give him much at all :-(

Stupid, rubbish boobies!!!

Sounds like you are trying everything you can which is brilliant, have you had a read on Kellymom? sounds like your probably doing everything possible though to increase your supply. I think we're all different and some women just make less milk so def don't worry if you get no improvement, your giving it your best shot x
I know it's easier said than done, but please try not to feel bad if you do give up. I gave up after about 3 weeks, and both baby and I are much calmer and happier since, as I was getting so upset and anxious about feeding him, and was completely sleep deprived from trying to feed and express. I'm dissapointed, and formula feeding is turing out to be a pain in the ass in different ways (we're now struggling to find a teat Seb can manage other than the disposable ones from SCBU), but at least I know he is getting food now and we can enjoy snuggling while he has his bottle.

Take care

Carrie xx
midwife told me to take fenugreek to increase my supply,she said it takes 48hrs to see a difference and to take 1 3 times a day,what pump are you using?
midwife told me to take fenugreek to increase my supply,she said it takes 48hrs to see a difference and to take 1 3 times a day,what pump are you using?
Domperidome was my best friend during my bf days! It made all the difference to me. Good luck xxxxx
midwife told me to take fenugreek to increase my supply,she said it takes 48hrs to see a difference and to take 1 3 times a day,what pump are you using?

I have got a small one on loan from the hospital. The last few times i used it, i didnt get anything so i've been expressing by hand. I shall try it again once i've been taking the fenugreek for a few days.

Hey Hun, firstly be proud of what you have achieved so far. Things get so manic when baby arrives that we forget how much we are doing.

Has LO been checked for Tongue tie? It can really effect latching. Have you tried nipple shields?

Don't use how much you express as an indicator of your supply. Babies are more efficient suckers.

If you can't hire a hospital grade pump it will save you time and boost your supply.

Make sure you are eating and drinking enough. Rolled oats help too.

Loads of skin to skin, I spent a day in bed with LO not trying to get him to latch just resting with him. Hubby brought me food and drink.

I have been expressing and bottle feeding since day three. LO had Tounge tie which went un-noticed for four weeks. Cassius is now seven weeks old and has only just managed to latch on. He is really lazy and won't nurse for long so I am still expressing.

The moment you feel it is getting to much take a step back and see if you still want to go through the stress.


Are you getting enough sleep? If I got really tired it used to have a huge impact on my milk supply. Well done for trying that hard but you shouldn't feel bad about topping up. Nothing wrong with that!!
Well done for keeping going! Can't offer much advice as we had a nightmare breastfeeding (she wouldn't, that was the nightmare!!) so I was expressing and bottle feeding my milk for a fortnight but then my supply dried up. I was using a medela swing pump which worked really well, and I can recommend the teats on the MAM bottles - they are slightly flatter so sometimes easier for LO to suck on. If you've given it your all then that's all you can do - 4 weeks is fab and he will really have had the benefit from that.
Thanks for your replies ladies.

He doesnt have a tongue tie and the actual latching and feeding isnt an issue- he pretty much latches himself tbh! It is just milk supply that is the issue.

The thing is, the only way i will know if i'm now producing enough milk is to stop the top ups and keep a close eye on his weight. But quite simply i dont have the confidence to do it. After birth he was in the neonatal unit for just under a week with a possible infection and after we got home and i took him to be weighed, we were nearly readmitted due to his weightloss, hence the top ups. I know its highly unlikely we would be readmitted now but the time we spent in the hospital was awful and really affected me and i dont want to risk him dropping weight again.

I am quite happy to combi feed as i find giving the bottles reassuring but i just wish he could get a bit more from me.

at some point hun u will just have to make peace with it, i combi fed and never managed to increase my supply so i gave up pumping cos it was a hassle and i was much happier for it, we have been thru a few phases where she wanted to bf more (teething) and would only take a bottle when out and about and she managed to increase my supply herself when she was teething simpley cos she wouldnt take a bottle and i just had to put her on my boob all the time. as long as your happy and baby is happy and satisfied then your doing fab. now were weaning shes dropped the top up bottles and pretty much dosent have formula anymore, i can make 1 5oz bottle and only use 2 oz of it on her breakfast. she prefers to have water or juice in her sippy cup/bottle with meals and bf on demand from me. its like the best of both worlds as i can leave her with my mum and she happily drinks a bottle for her. lifes much easier when you just decide to give up and accept the way things are and make peace with it :) well done for trying everything and i hope it does work for you but if not id just be happy your still bf even if its just a bit :)
at some point hun u will just have to make peace with it, i combi fed and never managed to increase my supply so i gave up pumping cos it was a hassle and i was much happier for it, we have been thru a few phases where she wanted to bf more (teething) and would only take a bottle when out and about and she managed to increase my supply herself when she was teething simpley cos she wouldnt take a bottle and i just had to put her on my boob all the time. as long as your happy and baby is happy and satisfied then your doing fab. now were weaning shes dropped the top up bottles and pretty much dosent have formula anymore, i can make 1 5oz bottle and only use 2 oz of it on her breakfast. she prefers to have water or juice in her sippy cup/bottle with meals and bf on demand from me. its like the best of both worlds as i can leave her with my mum and she happily drinks a bottle for her. lifes much easier when you just decide to give up and accept the way things are and make peace with it :) well done for trying everything and i hope it does work for you but if not id just be happy your still bf even if its just a bit :)

Peace has been made!! I was talking to hubby about this just last night and i said enough is enough. Trying to increase my milk is taking over and its been all i can think about and quite frankly i am fed up with it!

I will finish the course of domperidone and keep taking the fenugreek so it doesnt go to waste but thats it.

I'll keep putting him to the breast as i do enjoy bf and he can have whats there and thn a nice bottle to fill his tummy and reassure mummy afterwards.

Its quite a relief to be honest. I am going to enjoy being a mummy and enjoy my baby without all the pressure (i put on myself) to achieve giant milky boobies.

Yaay for combi feeding :)

Sounds like your doing the right thing, being a mummy and enjoying those first few weeks on your babymoon are the most important thing you don't want to cause more stress. Like you say keep offering the breast then top up xx
Not noticed any difference yet and he is still taking just as much when i top up.

I'm cool with it though, just keep doing what i'm doing.

Not tried expressing yet. I'll sterilise the stuff and have a pump and let you know!!



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