Few questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Sorry if these things have been covered before - I'm just madly rushing whilst Ella's napping (which is a miracle!).

My cervix is high and hard - I take it that means I am not ovulating yet? The friday before my period started last time (which started on the wednesday) my cervix was low, very soft and open. What does that mean?

I've been using opks and I am not ovulating according to them. My last period was 17/5 and it finished 21/5. So I thought that I would be due to ovulate around now? :?

I think my luteal (sp) phase is quite short because I am still breastfeeding. I have also only had one period since Ella was born so am not sure on my cycle length.

Any advice greatly appreciated :D!
Hiya Kina

Generally at your peak or most fertile time your cervix is positioned extremely high. The opening of your cervix will increase, making the slit or tiny hole much larger (But as you've already had a baby it may always seem slightly open) The feel of your cervix should be much softer, almost like touching your bottom lip.
Your cervix will remain high until you ovulate - after which estrogen subsides and the hormone progesterone is released causing your cervix to return to its low, closed and hard position.
If your cervix is high and hard, I would say it's likely you are approaching ovulation.

After your period the position of your cervix should be low within your body and easily reached with your fingertips. The opening to your cervix will be closed - feeling like a small slit or a tiny hole ( Note here that women who've had babies may notice their cervix is never as closed as it was pror to giving birth) The feel of your cervix will be rather hard to the touch. It will feel almost like touching the tip of your nose.

It's hard to say exactly when you will ovulate as at this point you are unsure of your cycle length...But if your cervix is moving higher, thats generally a sign that you are getting closer to the point of ovulation.

Hope this helps a little
That's fab Rachael, thank you!

Off to have a poke again :lol:
rosieroo said:
Off to have a poke again :lol:

you crack me up :lol:
It's higher today :D Still no 2 lines on the OPKs though :? Been 3 weeks tomorrow since my last period started.
Hiya Kina

Well your cervix is heading in the right direction for ovulation!

Hope you are getting ready for lots of

Hope you are
again very soon!
Thank you :D

Have been really tired in the evening - it's very different from last time when we were ttc. A lot more adventurous and BD twice a day, at the moment I'm exhausted when I get to bed. Now if it wasn't for BB I could have an early night, wink wink nudge nudge ;)
I'm not surprised your exhausted!!! Can you walk? :shock: :lol:
best of luck never got the hang of checking my Cervical position. :pray:
Wobbles said:
I'm not surprised your exhausted!!! Can you walk? :shock: :lol:

Sorry just reread my post - I meant to say that last time we were bd twice a day etc. Now I too tired when I go to bed. I half heartedly gave him a prod last night to see if he was interested, but he was half asleep aswell :lol: Best jump his bones tonight!!

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