Fetal heart scan today! * UPDATED WITH PIC *


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Wish me luck people we are off to have a fetal heart scan on baby by the Dr from Great Ormond Street today as my daughter was born with a hole in her heart so he wants to scan me to be sure that there is nothing wrong with baby's heart so i have everything crossed :pray:

I will try and get a couple of scan pic's and post them up when i get back :cheer:
Good luck Paula, hope everything goes ok. Look forward to seeing the pics later x
Hope all goes well, looking forward to scan pics :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls for all your wishes :hug: :hug:

Well had the scan and all is fine thankgod baby's heart look perfect so am really pleased :cheer:

As soon as the Dr put the scanner on my tummy we was blessed with a lovely profile of baby sucking it's thumb and the Dr printed the photo straight out for us i was so chuffed its so cute :D

Baby was in a really good postion for him to have a good look at the heart which was great and we asked him to stay away from the bottom end just incase we got to see any bits or pieces as we don't want to know the sex so he didn't look down there ...

Was really nice seeing Baby again and seeing baby all cosy and sucking it's thumb was really cute, still smiling :D :D

Roll on the 16th June for our 4d scan :cheer:

Heres the little cutie -


So what do you think boy or girl ? Only 16 weeks to go till we find out :dance:

Paula, that is so the cutest scan pic i have ever seen!!!

How lovely,

And yay to a healthy baby :cheer:
:clap: Congratulations on the heart results :dance: and what a really really cute baby scan pic... sucking thumb...aw aw aw :hug:

I admire the fact you were able not to ask the sex... i study my pics trying to see.... :rotfl: nothing yet as pics are only at 14 weeks... will not get another scan unless i go private :rotfl: :roll:

I like the idea of the 4D scan... but surely there will be no avoiding seeing the sex then???

Good luck no matter what... Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
wow this is sooooo cute, Paula! Baby sucking its thumb :hug:

Glad all went well! :dance:

Now I sooo can't wait to have my 20wk scan! I hope I get a pic like yours, it's amazing! :cheer:
aww paula,

im so happy baby looks healthy hun, must have been a worry for you, but :cheer: s/he is healthy..

great scan pic so cute.. aw aw aw aw aw :hug:
awww hun glad evrything was ok and that is the cutest pic ever!!! xxxxxxx
aww what a great picture so cute!! glad everything is well with baby :hug: :hug:
Aww Thanks everyone :hug: :hug: , i am so so pleased with the scan pic, i was like WOW and have shown everyone he he and that was the first image we got when the scanner was placed on my tummy baby was sure relaxed in there taking it easy :lol:

It sure is a weight off my mind knowing baby is healty :cheer:

fynemum - I rang and asked Babybond about the sex thing and they can avoid that area and we said they can look down that area and just to tell us to look away as we want the sex on the dvd but just don't want to know till baby is born, and can't not see baby's face in 4D and we wont watch the dvd again till after the birth so that will be fine :D

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