Festive season with a bump!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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I was shopping with my mum yesterday and she said 'just think, this time 15 years ago I was waddling around with a huge bump trying to sort Christmas out and you were ready to drop out!'
The festive season is stressful enough for anyone without having a HUGE bump to carry around aswell as a hoard of bags, I know there is the obvious Internet shopping which is becoming so popular now!

But how have you ladies managed with a big bump and the hustle and bustle of shopping? Is everyone all sorted now?

i've struggled to be honest, standing in queues etc and people not giving you enough room to get past..... not to mention people bumping into you (and when they say, sorry didnt see you there?! er...i'm huge!)!!!!
we have our xmas shopping almost done, but i took a day off work to do this....I couldnt stomach the thought of going shopping at the weekend!

Should have been more organised but almost sorted now!! :D
i survived by doing it early early early so didnt have to face the shops while i am so big, but saying that i have been with hubby as he hadnt finished his and it hasnt been to bad, and i must be glutten for punishment because if bubs still not here friday i am planning on going out and getting a few things extra i have decided i need lol
I did alot of mine early as I remebered what the last few weeks were like last time! I have lists of lists now to try and remember everything.
All the fresh food is being delivered by Sainsburys on Monday - Don't think I could have coped with pushing round the shop with big bump and 18 month old in the Christmas rush - so hopefully :pray: :pray: we will be all sorted and can put my feet up.
Must remeber NOT to lift the turkey out of the oven though - that nearly started my Mum off with me!
I can't abide crowds of folk at the best of times and the shops at this time of year are unbearable. Stuffy, overheated and artificially bright, the contrast between that and coming in off the street outside where it's all grey and miserable does my head in. It really does. So rather than stomp around like a right grump, I did most of my shopping online and saved myself the hassle.
I normally love Christmas shopping and make a weekend of it by going to stay with family and hitting the big shops, but i reaslied back in October after a small shopping trip and complete exhaustion, I just wouldn't have the energy this year, so most of my shopping this year has been done curtusy of Next directory and on-line. I also completed my shopping really early (end of Nov) and had wrapped everything by early Dec just in case I went into labour early. We've done most of our food shopping, except the turkey and veg, which my OH will be getting next week as I'll be recovering after having our baby on Friday :cheer:

It's gonna be a very different Christmas this year
Its not been easy but I have coped and done a bit at a time............I have tried to stay as active as possible throughout, so a couple of hours of Xmas shopping for the last few weeks hasnt really been that tough!

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