*Fertility Plan* Ebay Cheapies- Opks


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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has anybody bought from Fertility Plan on ebay? i have 25 Opks and 25 Hpts. i received them 3weeks ago (they took so long) i had already found out i was pregnant the week before with One-Step hpt from Walmart/ Asda. i M/c on the 19th :cry: -which means i could Ov anytime if my body resumes to normal. iv been testing since the M/c and had all bfns, a slight line, but rediculously faint, i have to put it right under the light to see it.
i just wanted to know how reliable these tests are as im so desperate to conceive this month. xx
I have got their OPKs
The line never comes up quite as dark as the control line for me but its a definite line - you dont need a lamp behind ti to see it or anything.
I would presume that it might take a while for your body to recover.
Hope you are ok
Ive bought their OPKs and HPTs. Both seem to work, though I cant be sure about the HPTs as Ive never had a postive as Ive never been pregnant whilst using them.
i used them, they were really quick to arrive for me it was like the next day or something, the opk's worked great for me i always have a slight line then when i ov the line goes the same as control line then it gets much darker. maybe your body it still trying to sort its self out or maybe its a bad batch of them or something.

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