Fell over at 18 + 5

Glad alls fine with baby. You should have gotten your OH to give you a piggy back :) x
Glad you're ok Heppi - 11 miles at 18 weeks pregnant!! I'm impressed - but I remember you saying you're 18 or 19 - that's the benefit of being young, no way could I do that at 38, lol xx
I had a lot more energy at 18, and used to walk the 8 miles home after a night out, frequently - can't even walk a mile these days without wishing I had bus money - I'm only 28!

Glad yer ok.

Things are usually fine when you fall, I fell on thurs night and the only thing I worried about was the huge deep hole in my knee.

This is my 2nd baby, 4th pregnancy. Withmy first, I got every thing checked every 5 mins. This time, i'm just going with the flow. but it did sound bad that you had pains etc - glad yer fine!!!

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