Fell on my ass.....

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Cant believe me yesterday. Next door neighbours where having a BBQ and as we are in the process of having a fence put up between our gardens we currently have 9 2ft holes ready for the fence posts to go in. For 5 days now I have been super careful avoiding them.....until last night!! I was bending down trying to see how to fix the damn legs on the BBQ, stood up and took 3 steps backwards - yeah - right into one of the bloody holes!! I fell backwards onto my ass with my left foot up to my ankle in muddy water. I was soooooo embarassed and jumped up onto my feet and everyone was looking at me in complete shock at the pregnant lady who fell!! They were all like OMG are you OK?? Are you sure?? And I was fine, did not hurt myself or anything but I just wanted to burst into tears.... I could feel the wavering in my voice and just wanted to hide. I really gave myself a fright!! Later on I then banged my head twice on the whirliegig and then sat on the small picnic bench and it snapped :shock: :shock: fattie or what?? Its my own bench so no worries there but OMG I thought to myself "do I just go to bed now before I do anything else?"

I know we are clumsy in pregnancy but bloody hell!! My husband even gave a look and later in house said to me that I really have to be more careful!! Does he really think that I do stupid stuff deliberately???? :wall2:

As I seem to be having a moan......I am really not sleeping well at all. 3 nights in a row that I'm still wide awake club at 4am - seem to be getting about 4 hours a night if I'm lucky, last week there was a couple of days I only got 2 hours.... I'm workimg full time and just shattered so why cant I sleep???? :nap:

Oh and really should say after my fall - no worries with my LO - loads of movement last night before bed in the bath baby changed position right round from one side to the other (now that feel weird eh?) and again this morning loads of kicks.

Hope you are all not as clumsy as I seem to be - does not help that the only shoes I can wear are my fit-flops and now that is just an accident waiting to happen eh?
Oh bless you Tracey. Hope you are feeling better and haven't hurt anything. It's really frustrating though isn't it how simple things are now completely beyond us! I fell over putting my knickers on just as my OH came out of the bathroom at the weekend. I don't know what was more humiliating, the fact that he had to help me up again with pants at half mast or the fact that he didn't bat an eyelid as great feats of clumsiness are now a regular occurance!
That made me LOL...... I now always sit down to put on my knickers cos I would fall over..... At least your OH is understanding, mine keeps on getting on at me to look where I'm going cos I keep tripping over toys and shoes in the house. I always try to explain that I cant see the bloody floor under my boobs & bump but he says I should just be more careful!! What does he want me to do, crawl on my hands and knees??
Think crawling would probably be a good option at the moment! I was very proud of myself yesterday for having a relatively disaster free day when we sat down for lunch. OH burst out laughing and when I looked down I had a huge blob of salad cream on my nice white top, then when I was serving ice cream I completely missed the bowls and server it straight onto the kitchen counter!:wall2:
Awww Tracey and :hugs: for Beanster, that made me laugh too :)

I have gone down the stairs on my arse, so I know how you feel Tracey, you give yourself a proper fight! And I keep tripping on the corner of the bed, luckily if I fall I will just fall on the bed but the clumsiness is getting a bit much! x
I haven't been overly clumsy as such... Just keep mis-judging gaps and knocking bump :wall2: :lol: xx

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