Feeling sorry for myself


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2005
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Hey guys,

Would just like to sound off if you don't mind, feeling mighty down at the moment.

My IBD has been getting worse since coming off the steroids and i keep kidding myself that everything is going to be okay. There is nothing i want more than to feed my own baby but that is becomming less and less likely. It looks as though i am going to need immunosuppressant drug therapy before the birth, the drug passes into breast milk so i think it will be a no go. :(

Thanks for listening to me moaning, again!!

Claire xx
Awww, sorry to hear you're having a bad day :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know it would be lovely for us to know we can breastfeed our babies but at the end of the day if we can't we can't and it sounds like you need to look after your health too as well as LO's. The formula milk really is meant to be ever so good nowadays so your baby wont think bad of you! Do your docs know that if possible you really want to give breastfeeding a go? Sorry I don't know what IBD is.



Is there no other drug you could take?
If there isn't, try not to beat yourself up about it, you will be able to take GREAT care of your baby even without BFing.

Yes, BF is good for baby, but it's not the end of the world...formula isn't "bad" for your baby..it's the best option if you have to take medication.

BF can be great for some, but plenty of people can't manage it for various reasons....and formula is fine for those people...and those babies....your baby will feel just as loved as any other baby, don't worry.

Yes I agree with what Urchin and Skatty have already stated, it seems that more people seem to have difficulty BF that those that can - I would like to try but if it doesn't work then hayho! Besides don't get to down about it try and look at some of the positives about not BF, the main one being that you are not the sole food supplier you can get someone else to help you with the feeds and not have to worry later on down the line as to whether or not your baby will take to the bottle as that tends to be the next problem - so it seems from some of the other mothers I know.
Finally I was never breast fed yself - was keep in the hospital to long and therefore my mom wasn't to breast feed me and I'm not bitter (or twisted - me thinks!!!) :hug:
Awwww hun my heart goes out to you :hug: . I'm in a similar situation with bad Psoriatic Arthritis and know that I will have to go straight back on my meds immediately after birth so BF is probably out of the question. Try not to feel bad there is WAY MORE to being a mother than just breastfeeding and if this is what you need to do in order to be the best mam you can then it is a small price to pay. Take care and I'm here if you'd like to chat.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Lots of Hugs Babe :hug: :hug: :hug: We are here if you need to let off steam!
Thank you so much!

I really was feeling quite down, but you have all cheered me up so much! I think this may just be the best bunch of girlies ever!!

Thanks again, for reminding me i'm not alone.


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