Feeling so unprepared for Pip


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Morning Girlies,

Have to say I've been pretty laid back throughout most of this pregnancy so far with regards to getting stuff for Pip, but this week I've suddenly started poanicking as I feel so unprepared and have so little for when Pip arrives.

I just can't get my head around the fact that in just over 11 weeks Pip could be here (if not sooner - which really freaks me out!!) and we are no where near ready.

House still needs a main bathroom putting in (currently its a plastered shell!), another bedroom needs deocrating so we can move furniture from what will be the nursery into this one, and then we need to decorate nursery.

On top of that I hardly have any essentials for baby - apart from a ocuple of baby grows thats it. Still need moses basket, bouncer, bedding, bath stuff..you name it we haven't got it!!

I look at stuff in shops and then walk away without buying anything...i'm not sure why but I just can't get into buying stuff.

Sorry for the moan but need to get this out of my head and think positive..I'm lucky that I do start my maternity leave at 33 weeks, so part of me thinks I'll have loads of time to sort stuff then, and then the other pat of me panics and thinks I should be more organised!!

arrgghhhh..think the hormones are pkaying up this week too..feel a bit soppy and sad!! xxx
Aw bless you. It's the maternal instinct kicking in! The only thing I guess you need initially is a moses type basket to have in your room (as they recommend they are in with you for 6 months). I got mine (local pick up) off ebay for a tenner! Worth £60! I'm not far off being ready but still it worries you that baby could come tomorrow and I haven't got little things like breast pads, or a nighty to breastfeed in easily! Whatever happens, we'd still manage!
Don't worry - it's normal to panic! I couldn't buy stuff either untill I one day did and now I can't stop...lol!

About the furniture and rooms, try to Get them finsihed, and if you don't, never Mind. The most important thing is that your baby has a warm place to sleep and that you have somewhere to change him/her. My cousinn slept in a bathtub his first year cause the flat they were living in was so small!!

It will all sort out and you will Get organized, I'm sure of it! I'm still waiting for my huge nesting period so I can tidy our sparerroom!

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I know it will all get done - between my husband and Dad tey'll make sure its done..but i guess its just when you stop and think about stuff you suddenly realise what there is to do!

Feel like I might plan a days shopping on Saturday to get me more organised!
I feel the same as you hun, i dont have much baby things except what has been given to us, havnt decorated nursery, not organised at all. finally ordered our pram on monday so that was a bit of a relief.

We will get there in the end :)
Hey hun don't stress as the girls have said as long as he\she has somewhere to sleep the rest u don't need to worry about my mom never had a changing table or a baby bath with me or my siblings we got bathed in the sink until we were too big and had to start using the propper bath and she always changed us over her knee as long as you have most of it it's not too bad, there are still things I need to get and I only have 9 weeks left xxxx
I have a week to my due date, I have everything I could need and still feel unprepared! Lol. You will be fine. Maybe write a list of things you need/want and put them in priority order? Then tick them off one by one when each is done? That way you can see for yourself at what you are achieving rather then focusing on the things that still need doing?xx
Make a list of essentials u need before Pip arrives, like Moses basket, sheets and possibly stand. Bottles (even if bf just incase), nappies, wipes, basic bath stuff, vests, sleepsuits, hats, scratch mitts, bibs/muslins and a coat. They r the basics u need really. Everything else will fall into place and u can buy as u get further on.
Awwww hon, I was exactly the same at your stage. DH and I only started buying things over Christmas and New Year when I was 33/ 34 weeks! SInce then we've kinda blitzed the essentials. But the most important things are just a few baby clothes (you'll get lots as presents) changing stuff and a moses basket/crib and blanket. I found shopping for stuff really hard too and kept wanting to give up as there was too much choice but I did persevere and got it and so will you hon. You have plenty of time xxxxx
We've got 3 rooms to sort through, decorate and rearrange and I feel like I'm running out of time too. Moving to tri 3 is a major kick up the ass lol. But I am finding that all of a sudden what was once so overwhelming is falling into place.

Some of the trouble is that your tiredness levels go through the roof and the can't-be-bothered hormones kick in. You'll get it all done, just do a little bit at a time each day xxxxxx
Don't worry we are exactly the same...we have an unfinished bathroom which we have been trying to get done since November.....babies bedroom needs electrics doing, laminate flooring and then decorating and a new wardrobe buying. We have only just got our pram and got a Moses basket yesterday in the asda baby event, our LO hasn't got a name yet, need to wash all his stuff and pack my bag for the hospital.
I've tonnes to do and feel with just over 6 weeks to go (unless he comes early) I'm leaving it till the last minute !
Thanks ladies x you always make me feel better. I have lists of things that i need so I think that for this weekend I'll break it down into 4or 5 items that I know I can get and make sure I get them

I'm going to try and think positive!!
As my aunty (who's a midwife!) said to me yesterday preggo twin, Asda is round the corner and open 24 hours, so if all else fails and I find in hospital I am desperately short of something then parents/in-laws or OH will have to be dispatched to go fetch!! Made me feel a bit better, although do realise I need to get my bum in gear!! Half term at the end of Feb so hoping to do lots then. xxx
Helly the rational part of my head knows this. The irrational bit sometimes takes over!!!

It just doesn't help that at the mo both me and hubby are away from home with work during the week so we can't even do anything during the evening.

Oh well going to keep calm and carry on!! Xx

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