Feeling So Low

Lots of us have been there hun :hug: I've been in hosp three times ( a few years ago now) but nowadays I do ok and have done for the last 3 years so you will get there :cheer:

This is all related quite a lot to your TTC/breakup with thingy. I know that might not be the absolute cause but that quite recent event is a trigger for it. Time will heal naturally, and much quicker than you think, and you'll start a new happier life maybe even than you ever had with your ex :hug:

Despite the times I went through, I wish I was your age (25?) again. Get well soon and get out there and live life to the max :)
Sorry I can't say anything the others haven't already said but I am thinking of you hun
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Flossy82 said:
Guys what am i going to do this time im serious last night i took a whole packet of really strong paracetmaol with the hopes that it might do something for me as the way im feeling right now id rather not be here. I shant go into detail as id be here ages but my mum contacted the doctor on who's advice i should be taken the the hospital to see the phsychiactric (sp) doctor and they would see me there etc and then i was to come back home and then they would have me admitted the next day. Its got this bad i cant eat right i dont sleep anymore not even after getting so drunk im wide awak and ive had enough of feeling this way i cant cope with it all. I wasnt even alloewed into work incase i do something silly and even spent the whole night at my mums bieing watched inacse of......... This afternoon i have an app with the local doctor to see him and tbh im not even sure in myself what im going to tell him im so frightened i really am i hope someone can help me i really feel at such a low opint and it seems like im not sure of what or which way to go now.

oh flossy- im so sorry you are going through this.
im glad your mum is looking after you.
i agree you should be taken to the docotrs at least and given some help. If you're really feeling low(and i think it sounds as if you are) then maybe a course of antidepressants may be an option for you. There is no shame at all in taking tablets for depression. They work really well if taken correctly and in no time you'll feel yourself again. I have worked with lots of people who have come to hospital totally depressed and left a different person.
Try and make time for yourslef and your own thoughts right now. Make a list of things you want to do and draw up a realistic goal to aim for.
Keep talking to your mum and give your kids loads of loves and kisses. and avoid alcohol. This only enhances the mood you're in before getting drunl. So if you're depressed before drinking it makes you worse and vice versa. So for you right now its not safe to drink alocohol in my opinion.

keep strong chicken and you'll come out of it a stronger person. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey all thanks for your kind words i just feel very very ill indeed i know this isnt the way but i feel so low and bad i couldnt think of no other way. :( i have an app with the pyschiactric (SP) nurse tommorrow so we will see what happens there but im terrified i really am i dont really now know of a way out of my hell i cant keep putting up with all whats happening :cry:
flossy the fact you're able to recognise how you are feeling is a good sign. you know you're not ''well'' . Thats good.
see what the doc says tomoz. Take his/her advice. Do as they say and you'll be ok. :hug:
good luck for tommorrow hun i will be thinking of you, give me a shout if i can help at all,

look after yourself :hug: :hug:
I hope everything goes ok tomorrow and that it will be the start of the road to recovery.
I am thinking of you sweetie :hug: :hug: :hug:
good luck today flossy with the psychiatric nurse. let us kno how it goes :hug:
The whole situation ive been here before and thought id gotten over it its a long story that goes way back but recent events etc have only disturbed it all again and this time just made me a hell of alot worse than before. Im trying to move on get on with things but i cant and i can never explain why im ever like this daft i know but this time im genuienly terrified. :(
Im hoping today will bring me the answers i need if not i dont know what il do. But thankyouall for all your kind words :hug:
Oh hun im so sorry to hear you are feeling this way, I really hope the doctors can help you. Its great that you recognise that you are not feeling 'right' as thats the first step to recovery.

Keep us informed how you get on today & take care of yourself hun. If you need me give me a shout x :hug: :hug: :hug:
Only just saw this thread - I too went through tough times and it's difficult to see the way out as you feel like you're stuck in a hole with a big black stormcloud on you...

Hope everything goes ok and if you ever wanna chat my computer's always on.

Well today was eventful i feel worse now than before :( I had my app with the physciactric nurse who' was great ok to talk to but there's nothing they can do to help only suggest talking relate or someone like that he didnt think tablets would help or anything like that. H e spoke with my mum after and the ex's with me there and made me look a fool by bringing up the past which id forgotten and anyway to cut it short its not a diagnosis but he thinks it could be something like a personality disorder? His main fea now is for my safety but he also did stress that he would in no mind think that if there was harm to the kids to call the child protection team. :( Anyway after coming home its evedant (sp) that my family now think that im not safe to look after my own kids let alone go back to where i live on my own without others being there etc or to live elsewhere with them and now really i dont feel any better for them telling me what they have done there's more besides but i wont go into that. For me its only made me feel worse than before now :cry:
I had no idea you felt this bad Flossy :cry:

I've been in a similer situation, its shocking that they havn't reffered you for councelling or offered any kind of support? and im sure your more than capable of looking after your kids, people tend to just assume that if your not feeling so great in yourself that your not fit to look after your own children which is sh*t. I was quite badly depressed when Chloe was afew months old, and i was on my own, and tbh she was the only thing keeping me going and kept what remained of my sanity.

I'm here hun if you need someone to talk to :hug: :hug:

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