Feeling so ill .........


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.....with the sickness and having a relapse too..... ;-(

So havent been around for a few days.

Was pretty bad with M-sickness with DD and thought I was getting off lightly till it kicked in big style and kncoked me off my feet!

Relapse isnt helping tbh but had injections this week so hoping they kick in soon!

BUT as per Im not complaining at all just hate feeling so unpleasant all the time as if im not actually hurling Im feeling so sick!

So gona have a scout around and try and catch up on some more stuff Ive missed the last few days but hope your all well :) xxxx
Sorry to hear youre having a difficult time, hope you'll be better really soon.

Thanks Mstar.....hoping it wont last as long as it did with DD this time but of course it means good things so not complaining just winging lol!! Hope your well xxx
Totally sympathise with you hun :( :hugs:
Hope your injections start helping soon Wilma, don't do too much at the moment, your like a whirlwind lady you know!

Things should be easier in a month or so too, just a extra exchasting time right now

Can't believe your 9 weeks already - it's flying by
Thanks LM, Mamfy and JJ...... yeah getting plenty rest Ive even had to refuse cake orders coz I just feel so ill atm and have no energy but hopefully once the sickness stage is gone I will be on top form again!

I know JJ how fast ehh!!!

Sooo excited lol xxx
I really sympathise with you, I was horrifically ill when I was pregnant with my daughter. Have you tried ice poles? I found cold things made me feel slightly more comfortable, even if they didn't stop the actual sickness. Hope it eases soon x
hope you get better hunny, i noticed your ticker too- 9 weeks already sweetie xxx
So much love and hugs wilma! I'm so glad that you're back and everything is still ok.

:hugs: wilma hope it passes quickly
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