feeling so down


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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I've had a terrible last week or so.
On top of the usual pregnancy fatigue, queeziness etc ive also had the worst cold thrown on top complete with daily migraines!

Im tired of people telling me my life will be impossibly hard, i know that from experience.
Im tired of people looking sympathetically when they hear
my situation
Im tired of Ellie being impossible at school and
having to hear how crap she's doing on a daily basis.

Im tired of crying, i swear ive never cried so much in my
life as i have in the last week. I argued with Ellie's dad on
wed and threatened to call social services on myself! I just
feel like its all too much for me and i feel like running away
from it all. Im just not coping at all. Its like life continually
throws the sh*t at me and while everyone around me is
leading their perfect life and im struggling just to wake
up each day.
I don't really know what to say, just that I hope you feel better soon and to give you a big :hug:
Aww so sorry you are feeling like this, but really is it any wonder with what you have been through in the last few weeks :hug:

People say some really stupid things when they seem to think they are helping or sympathising with you :roll:

Just keep in mind how strong you have been up to now and in a nice way tell people you don't need them to tell you how hard things are gonna be because you know but you are strong enough to get through it.

As for your little girl, I think she is about the same age as my little boy, I think that sometimes you go through periods were everything seems to be going really well with them and then a few things happen and everything seems bad. I have a bit of this at the moment with my little boy who seems to be going through a really naughty patch, but I know it will pass.

Sorry for the rambling post, I hope there is something amongst all that waffle which may have helped and if you ever want to chat you know where I am :hug:
How old is your little girl? Is she really bad at school or is there a personality clash with a teacher?

I only ask as my daughter was labelled a nuisance by her primary school teacher - she did her work too quickly and then wanted to talk to her teacher about loads of stuff. She also said Han was thick as she was terrible at spelling and got her numbers muddled - all this when she was 5!!! Had to move areas and moved schools, the new teacher thought she was delightful - gave her extra work and recognised she was very bright but with dyslexia - different teachers attitude different child!! Han is now 20 - just starting her third year in Uni and still dyslexic but has learnt to deal with it - grade so far 2:1, she gained 14 GCSE's all A or A* except English which she got a C in and we were more chuffed at that than the A*'s and 4 A levels 1 A and 3 B's. If we had listened to her school at 5 she would have been labelled a problem forever more and god only knows where she would be .....

Anyway sorry about the rambling but I know how awful it feels when someone is constantly telling you your child is a problem - if you ever want to talk it through PM me. x x x x x

I work with stuents with dyslexia and they are bright as anything, very creative and imaginative and some teachers are just so ignornant it is untrue.....not that I am saying your daughter is just a general thing when teachers say students are bad and they are not, they are talented and gifted and they are not being taught or tuned into things the way they should be.

In terms of feeling poorly and tired, is there anyone you can rely on lean on at this moment. I have had to take time off work and stay with family, it got too much for me, I jsut wasn't coping and I don't have a wee one to look after.

You are doing so well, just make sure you take care of you and if you can tell friends, family you need a bit more support if you can

take carex

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