Feeling rubbish


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
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Just a vent really

Feel so rubbish this week.

I'm waiting to test to get my negative to know that the mc is over with but I'm just gutted about it all now. I've just gone back to work after maternity leave which I'm not really enjoying and besides the joy of thinking I was having another baby I also had it in my head that I 'only' needed to cope with work for about 6 months before I went on leave again.

Well that's totally gone out the window. Just feel like I've had everything snatched away from me
You did amazing to stay so strong through your ordeal. Now this is the really hard bit where everyone thinks you are over it. Much love to you and hope you feel better soon. Xxx
There are lots of us on here going through the same, take as much support from here as you can as it's one of the places you will find people who kind of know what you are feeling and what you are going through. Hugs and be strong but if you need to cry then do it, I found with my miscarriage I tried to be too strong and because of that I didn't deal with it properly. X
I didn't want to read and run, I always read through everyone's stories from ttc to mc, it breaks my heart reading these stories and reading about people's losses! I'm so sorry your feeling so rubbish but good luck, stay strong and your time will come xxxx
Wish I could give you a hug darling!!

It really fxcking sucks doesn't it?! You need to allow yourself time to get better not only physically but mentally. If it helps then talk about it, if it helps then hide from it but do everything & anything that makes you feel better. I know it's a very sad situation but as my OH said to me "the most important person here is you & how you are." It took me a while to understand that as I grieving for our loss but it's true. You need to allow yourself time!!

Thanks everyone.

I've felt about better after getting into the norm of work. Haven't told anyone there as I'm new to the location and I don't really want them knowing we are ttcing.

Stupidly tested this week though (a week earlier than advised) and it's still positive so have a nasty feeling that on Tuesday when I test again I'm going to be phoning the hospital and will be getting booked in for another scan
Well I'm phoning the hospital again today as I've tested again and it's still positive. Don't think I've ever been more depressed at seeing a positive test
Ah :( hugs I'm sorry you are still getting a positive. I hope the hospital can see you quickly.
Hope you get a quick scan/bloods, it's this limbo time that is the hardest I think, you can't moveforward till you get your neg. Once back at work at least your fellow workers will be unaware of this and you wi be able to keep things secret longer till your happy to announce any future good news

Sending you a big hug xx
It took me a good 4 weeks each time. I suffered three consecutive miscarriages - one just like you just as I went back to work after maternity. I was so gutted. My case was rare though, having so many - I never found out why.
I stayed positive and I'm glad I did - my son is six months old now. Just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel xxx
Thanks everyone. I got my blood test back from the hospital after going on Friday and my levels are 57 so they are getting lowered as 4 weeks ago they were 1700.

I am going to test on Friday so see what it does although the hospital have advised two weeks and if I still have an issue I can have another blood test.

I just want to try again now :(
So sorry to read about your loss. I had a mmc in feb, it took a good 5, nearly 6 weeks for me to get a negative. It's such a horrible time as it is, I just wanted it over and done with so I could start trying to get back to normal again. That doesn't mean that I have forgotten all about it, it's still with me everyday but I know it's still early days, but I can now start looking forward and maybe think about trying again. It's good that your levels are reducing, hopefully you can begin to move on from this as soon as you're ready :) xxxx
So sorry pumpkin, it really sucks doesn't it. This is my second mc now, never thought i would have to go thru this again. Fingers crossed you can start ttc again soon x
Just to update ive started bleeding again and this time it feels more like a period. So waiting till it stops and then I'm going to do another test. Hopeful I'm ready to start ttcing in the next couple of weeks
I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Hopefully the next test will be negative for you. (((((HUGS)))))

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