Feeling rubbish


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
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I'm afraid I just wanted to post a self indulgent moaning post! :oops:

I've come out in a hideous cold the last couple of days - aching all over, really chesty cough (that makes me cough so much at night my throat bleeds :( ), really snotty and my ears feel all blocked up and hurt too.

Baby has got so low she feels like she is going to drop out at any moment and I keep getting shocking pains in my cervix that take my breath away so don't feel like I should really be driving anywhere... My mum has three sick children at home so I told her I'm fine so she didn't have any more to worry about but I could really do with a cuddle. :(

Neil is being worked silly (averaging about 14 hours a day and doesn't have a day off again until Thursday) so I'm not really getting to see him at the moment and because I feel rubbish nothing is getting done and the house is beginning to look like a pig sty! :oops: I think his work are anticipatnig his two weeks paternity leave and are making sure they work him to the bone now (as they don't appear to be able to cope with him, not that his pay or benefits reflect that. :roll: )

And to top it all off, somehow the pilot light seems to have gone off on the boiler so I have no hot water or heating. We've got some contraption of a boiler (it's a back boiler behind the fire) and to light it you have to lie on your tummy to get at the buttons etc - which obviously isn't happening, even if I try really hard! Neil won't be home until about 10.30 so I'm snuggled up in bed (and I've allowed the cats in for once so they can keep me warm - they must think it is Christmas!! :rotfl: )

I feel even more like a moaning old cow now - but it does feel good having a whinge sometimes. :oops:

Hope everyone else isn't feeling as miserable! :hug:
Aww hun hope you feel better soon Ive just got over an awful cold too so I know how your feeling. My OH is on lates this week so im bored all on my own and I have to go out in the freezing cold at 10pm to pick him up coz he doesnt drive!!

Other than that Im ok but need something to entertain me lol Hope your all snuggled up on this cold night!! :hug:
:wave: hi honey, I have been thinking of you over the past few days and was going to post to check if you were ok. Sorry to hear you are so poorly and feel lonely :hug: :hug: :hug:
My LO is really low too and I am getting shooting pains in my cervix. I don't want to jinx it but hope our time is coming close. I am kind of hoping that I give birth before Xmas ( watch me going till Jan :)
Lots of these for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear your feeling pants hun hope you feel better soon, has your hubby got some holiday he could take for a couple of days? :hug: :hug:

I don't blame you for having a moan i know i would be in your situation too. Hope things improve and you start to feel better soon.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Grace xx
Aww, thank you everyone. :hug:

Sorry for being such a moaning sod! :oops: I got myself in such a state (and to top it all, my internet then disappeared for a couple of days so I was really miserable! :lol: _

The boiler is all fixed now (and we had it serviced too so hopefully it will be kind to us over the winter!), internet obviously working and Neil had the day off yesterday so feeling less sorry for myself!

Petra, been thinking about you lots too - I can't believe we aer in the middle of December now (good grief, I am down to single figures! :shock: ) I can't believe how quickly it has gone - does it feel the same for you?

Nikki - poor you having to go out at that time night in the freezing cold. I think I'd cry if I had to do that. :hug:
Petra said:
My LO is really low too and I am getting shooting pains in my cervix. I don't want to jinx it but hope our time is coming close. I am kind of hoping that I give birth before Xmas ( watch me going till Jan :)

Ooh, I forgot to comment on this bit...

My midwife has said a couple of times if she got any lower she'd be dragging along the floor and she doesn't expect to me see me at our next appointment. Well, clearly she knows nothing as someone is very comfy in there!! :wall: Hope your little man is better behaved (although I will be insanely jealous!!) :hug:
Awww moan away :hug: :hug: sometimes it feels better to have a good moan :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you feel better soon :hug:

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