Feeling really rough today


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
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Well Im 40 weeks and 6 days today and have woken up feeling really rough, pounding headache that is just getting worse, also my eyes are really odd, woke up and found it hard to find the loo cause my vision was weird, like someone had been shining a bright torch in my eyes for ages...
So I phoned my MW over an hour ago asking to see her or someone else on duty about it and mentioned the possibility of fitting in another sweep before Thursday and she said she'd speak to the other community midwife to see if she can come see me, and havent heard anything back yet... Great.!!!!
Should I just take some Paracetamol rather then wait for her call back...????
Please ring 01243 831433 or 01243 788122 ext 2961 or 2962!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats the central labour suite, front of my notes says to ring there if you have any other concerns about your pregnancy!
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OMG that is classic signs of pre-eclampsia and they fob you off!!! Please call the number Nik gave you - have you gon all puffy too?? If you cant get through on the phone, just go to the hospital honey xx
I've text her to see how she's feeling now, hopefully she's feeling much better than she was, or at least that her midwife got back to her and is making sure she's ok. My mw is on holiday, so i'm seeing Siany's when i go Wednesday, can't say i'm looking forward to it if she's like this!!
Hope she got someone to listen and she has been seen x x

I've spoken to her, the midwife has been out and checked the baby's heart rate, her blood pressure and her urine, and theres no indication that there are any problems. The midwife also did a sweep for her whilst she was there, so Siany is staying offline and attempting to be active to try and kick start things
Glad things are ok. Hope the sweep works and gets things moving x x

sweep worked for me i went same night with my 2nd baby good luck x
Really glad that everything is okay.

lets hope things get moving! fingers crossed for siany everyone!


Good luck hun, I hope you start to feel better and the sweep gets things moving for you xxx
Phew - got myself in a panic on her behalf.....
Glad every things ok, hope things start moving soon x
so glad it wasn't anything serious Siany, hope the second sweep helps you along!
I will be eagerly stalking your thread to see how it goes, since we share an overdue date!

good luck x
Hi guys, well as u can see I had a sweep, (Thank you Nikki for posting for me) and OUCH!!!!!! she did it 4 times in one go, I was only 1cm dilated and she felt baby's head so u can imagine how far she pushed... :-( And as u can probably guess, nothing has happened as of yet, :-( I have tried to stay active all day, I am so so tired and have had a blinding headache with weird vision all day, so Im off for an early night now, hoping that it will happen in the night or at least tomoro...
Thank u to everyone for ur kind comments, I was also very worried, still unsure why I have been feeling the way I have today, but at least it isnt anything too serious....
Will keep u all posted...
Siany xxx
Glad to hear your feeling better, you must have been really worried.

Good luck for something happening tonight & tomoz. I have my fingers crossed there's a wee update when I log in after work tomoz.

Did the MW say what could be causing the eye probs?

I haven't heard from her to say anything has happened, fingers crossed though

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