Feeling really low :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Urrgghhh i'm feeling really down at the moment. I have no reason to really, we've had a lovely (but tireing) christmas, OH starts his new job in the new year, i have my lovely kids, and my pregnancy is going well. I HATE that i get like this :wall2: My anti depressants dose was put down to a minimum due to being pregnant and up until now i had been coping. I felt it creeping in if i'm honest with myself but i've tried my best to ignore it.

My thyroid is in bad shape lately so that contibutes to the tiredness and it doesn't help that i ran out of my 50mcgs pills so i am taking a little less than i should be to help it. I'm just so fed up of being tired, my back hurts so bad and i keep getting shooting pains down my ass and left leg.

Every pregnancy my depression worsens, i have no idea why!! This is supposed to be a happy, wonderful experience full of joy and anticipation.......why am i such a freak :cry: xx
Im sorry to hear you are feeling low - are your anti depressants related to your (underactive?) thyroid? I have read that thyroid problems can cause depression. I hope you feel better soon and pick up when you get your thyroxine xx
:hug: Would a change of meds make any difference if you're still on a low dose? I'd have a chat to your doctor about it anyway - there must be something they can do to help if the thyroid pills don't when you're back to taking what you should be again :hug: I hope you feel better soon x
I think having an underactive thyroid doesn't help the depression but i have suffered low moods for about 10 years. Just before i found out i was pregnant i was diagnosed bi-polar. I'm not even sure what it is and i'm not googling it either lol all i know is its a form of depression. The docs won't treat it while pregnant but they did assign me a phsychologist who is supposed to come to my house to see me every week but i haven't seen her since september. xx
I hope you feel better soon and then when you have had baba they may review your meds, chin up cocker :)
Ahhh hun sending you big hugs! You are definately NOT a freak! Hollywood sell this image of the joyful glowing pregnant woman and they skip out the nausea, tiredness, mushy brain and piles! lol!

Have you told your OH how you feel? Maybe you need a big hug and an even bigger cry without having to explain why. I've been doing that lately, my OH is most confused but it doesnt really matter, I see it as his job, he put the baby in there! ;)

Good luck, and if all else fails, get into some cosy PJs and have a mug of hot chocolate and an early night, treating yourself is allowed!

Let us know how you get on, and if I were you I'd nag my GP to retest my thyroid, it might be the quick fix you need (fingers crossed!)
they did assign me a phsychologist who is supposed to come to my house to see me every week but i haven't seen her since september. xx

get on the phone!!! Someone's not doing their job properly, you really need support right now hun, someones head should roll for leaving you unsupported for so long:roll:
:hug: Aww hun sorry you're feeling rubbish :( xxx
I bit the bullet, i looked up bi polar and i think that diagnosos is wrong. Symptoms don't seem to fit. I was also diagnosed as having borderline personality dissorder and until i googled it tonight i thought it meant i almost (borderline) had a dissorder but infact it is the name of an actual dissorder. After looking it up, i must admit i think that i do have it :( I simply cannot believe my shrink has abandoned me, i'm gonna go see the doc and get it sorted. Thank you for all your replies ladies xx
I agree... it's shocking that they've offered you support and then given you nothing. I hope they sort themselves out soon :hug:
Sorry to hear your feeling down - sending you lots :hug: Hope your feeling better soon
Toonlass I would go back and tell them exactly how you feel and what you think would help just now, if you have any ideas! The Dr is probably totally unaware that the psychologist isn't visiting.

As for diagnoses, they are really just a label and it's about how you live and manage your life that counts! The doctors will make a diagnosis based on a certain amount of symptoms so you may only have two or three to earn a different diagnosis, also they can often use experience rather than text books so ask them to explain what they have diagnosed, and why they have come to that conclusion for you, and get written information, guaranteed half of it is gone by the time the appointment is finished!

Look up 'recovery in mental health', and the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), very positive and not all about cure but about living life as who you are with 'symptoms' or quirks, because we all do that! It's also about knowing the signs when you are becoming a bit unwell to take action/get support quickly, and having key people in your life that can also do this, they probably are there already just not wanting to point things out.

Sounds like a few things can be tweaked with your thyroxine if you've run out and I'm sure that will help. But nevermind what else is going on for you, pregnancy is a weird time and it sounds like your feeling the strain too! Hang in there!!!!:hug:

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