Feeling Really Emotional


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Nov 27, 2010
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Well I'm 39 weeks pregnant now and am due this Friday. I've been pretty calm in the last few weeks and whilst Ive been on maternity leave and have been listening to my natal hypnotherapy CD pretty much everyday which has really helped. However, my Mum is freaking me out! She has become completely neurotic since I've got pregnant and so incredibly negative about the whole birth process in particular. I think she has actually convinced herself that either myself or the baby are going to die during childbirth! She rang me yesterday morning to check I was ok and then proceeded to talk about stillborn babies! She doesn't mean anything bad by it - I think she's trying to protect me in advance in case anything bad happens so she wants me to know all the facts but I'm not stupid - I know what can go wrong but I really don't need it drummed into my head every day!

Problem is I'm one of those people that hates hurting peoples' feelings and so I just let her ramble on! Most of the time I just let it go over my head but in the last 24 hours it's obviously got to me because this morning I'm all tearful and started freaking out when I didn't feel baby move for a couple of hours (thankfully I got him moving again when I had a cold glass of water!). Now I'm just desperate for him to come out so that I know he's ok!

Oh yes, and early in the pregnancy my OH and I agreed that my Mum could be there during the labour and now I think it's the biggest mistake I could have made as I think she's going to make me so nervous! Only saving grace is that she lives about 2 hours away so she might just miss it if I have a quick and easy birth although I feel really bad saying that!

Sorry for the rant but had to get it out!
Oh poor you! I think you have to hurt your mum's feelings.... OR - how about getting someone else to hurt her feelings for you?? Do you have a brother or sister that can tell her to lay off the problem labour talk? Or your OH?? Really....she should know better!! And its your labour - I think she will not be good for you if she makes you feel anxious. I think you should try to sort this now... best of luck x
Thanks Tracey M. I'm an only child I'm afraid so can't speak to a brother and sister about it. My parents are actually coming round to see me tomorrow (hope to goodness I don't go into labour when they're here visiting!) so I might see if I can get my Dad on his own for 5 mins and just ask him to get her to stop the negative talk as it's scaring me. At least my Dad doesn't voice his fears like my Mum does.

Oh dear, I think your mum is obviously anxious because she loves you so much and is scared you are going to have a bad time, but she's not doing you any favours at all filling your head full of all this negativity, if you can try telling her gently that you need to feel relaxed in order to cope with the birth and that she has an important part to play in keeping you feeling relaxed and positive it may give her Something else to focus on, having a word with your dad is a good idea too, good luck and hope you have a stress free time of it xx

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Oh gosh! Poor you! Has the thought crossed your mind that when you go into labour Maybe don't call her till your really into it, sounds like she could be a nightmare! Bless you, I'mm in a similar situation, I want my mum to be at the labour but she has been preoccupied divorcing my dad this year. She is completely away with the fairies, and only just realising this week that I'm pregnant I think! I'm an only child too, it can be hard to confide it people as we're used to dealiing with family events 'solo' I think. Hopefully your dad can have a chat with your mum and convince her to focus on the Positives. I wish you well! :) keep us updated! Xx
Thanks DaisyPurple and HannahsBaby - it's good to hear other peoples' opinions on this.

My parents did come over today but I didn't manage to get my Dad on his own unfortunately. My Mum actually didn't say anything negative today so I couldn't really say anything in the end! Anyway, they've gone home now and to be honest I breathed a sigh of relief once they went because I've been having quite a lot of pains and what I assume are contractions for most of the afternoon and I just kept quiet about it! It seems to have calmed down a bit now though so I guess they're just Braxton Hicks? I was so scared I was going to go into full on labour when they were here though!!

Yes it is difficult being an only child sometimes HannahsBaby - I totally get what you're saying. And yes, I agree with you, I think I will delay the call to my Mum when labour does definately get going until I get to the hospital if I can! But I have to say I do feel awful for doing that.

Sorry to hear about your parents divorce HannahsBaby - I hope you're ok.


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