I was doing ok until last night. Don't know if its cos i'm tired, or because i've been ill since saturday - but my husband left me to get a drink from the kitchen, and came back to find me balling my eyes out. He paniced and thought something was wrong with Phoebe. 
But it was just me thinking about the bfeeding again. I have so many regrets. I wish I'd realised so much sooner that I'd end up having to mixed feed.
I feel like it was a mistake topping her up at 6 days with formula - albeit on the advice from the mw's. I didn't realise it was normal for them to constantly feed at that stage. And although she had lost more than 10% of her weight, I just wonder if I had carried on how I was whether things would have been ok.
I feel it has gone to far the other way to rectify now, I am too tired to express after every feed - not that I feel it made a difference anyway, plus Phoebe is feeding so frequently, there would be no end to the feeding, and probably no milk left for her next time. Even the NCT lady I spoke to seemed to think it would be very hard to turn around due to the amount of formula she will take.
Now she is suffering with bad wind, which I'm sure is caused by having bottles. What with that, and all the constant warnings on milk websites, the side of the milk cans etc about breast being best - it has made me feeling like a bad Mum. I know deep down I'm not. Maybe I'm just having a bad day, being ill hasn't helped.
How much breast milk do they need to get benefits? I am feeding her as much as I can during the day, but she always takes a top up. Its so hard to tell how much she is having.
I am dreading the day my milk goes. How long does it take? So far, a week on, I still seem to be OK.
Sorry for having a massive winge
I don't think anyone else really understands. (& Thanks for reading)

But it was just me thinking about the bfeeding again. I have so many regrets. I wish I'd realised so much sooner that I'd end up having to mixed feed.
I feel like it was a mistake topping her up at 6 days with formula - albeit on the advice from the mw's. I didn't realise it was normal for them to constantly feed at that stage. And although she had lost more than 10% of her weight, I just wonder if I had carried on how I was whether things would have been ok.
I feel it has gone to far the other way to rectify now, I am too tired to express after every feed - not that I feel it made a difference anyway, plus Phoebe is feeding so frequently, there would be no end to the feeding, and probably no milk left for her next time. Even the NCT lady I spoke to seemed to think it would be very hard to turn around due to the amount of formula she will take.
Now she is suffering with bad wind, which I'm sure is caused by having bottles. What with that, and all the constant warnings on milk websites, the side of the milk cans etc about breast being best - it has made me feeling like a bad Mum. I know deep down I'm not. Maybe I'm just having a bad day, being ill hasn't helped.
How much breast milk do they need to get benefits? I am feeding her as much as I can during the day, but she always takes a top up. Its so hard to tell how much she is having.
I am dreading the day my milk goes. How long does it take? So far, a week on, I still seem to be OK.
Sorry for having a massive winge