Feeling Placenta Movement


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Jun 9, 2005
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Can anyone feel their placenta doing stuff? We are 18 weeks and feeling lots of 'bubbling' on one side which the midwife said was the placenta.

Have felt the baby only 2x in the last few weeks but the placenta is making lots of 'noise'
ooooooooer :? :? never heard of feeling placental movements before. The bubbling i would say will be your baby moving.
:? Yeah ive never heard of that before either, my midwife told me that 'bubbling' is what you feel when you babys moving about :think: i know you can hear the placenta swooshing about if you use a doppler though
yes but i don't think you can feel it moving around :lol: :lol:
agreed, never heard of placenta movement, besides don't think the placenta can move on it's own without the aid of the baby, would have thought the bubbling sound is only the baby farting :lol: - just joking! I'm sure it's the baby doing some acrobatics in their - the little tinker!
I don't think the placenta is moving, but just doing stuff and i guess shwooshing...
The bubble feeling is usually the start of your active little one making themself known!! You'll probably get a good kick from them in the next week or two!! The fist one gives you a bit of a "oh my god what the hell...." feeling but you still love it all the same. My one is now using my rib cages as swing bars - sore but I still love it!! Nice to know she's doing fine in there!!

S. xx

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