feeling low :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2008
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hii all i feel soo low this past week...im not liking wat pregnancy is doin to my body i keep lookin in the mirror incase iv put more weight on i think my OH is going to leave me 4 sum1 skinnier iv told him how i feel and he sed he loves me the way i am and its his fault as much as mine im getting fat he sed i dint get pregnant on my own.he sed of course ur gunna get bigger ur not going to get n e thinner..which i understand obviously i am but i feel like iv put on 2 stone in my face i hate it
but i still dont believe him...im constantly checking where he is its not tht i dnt trust him cuz i do completly i noo he wud never ever cheat on me cuz he hates cheats but im scared tht once i get stretch marks he mite start looking else where i wasnt like this b4 i got pregnant .sorry 4 going on :|
ah hun it's normal to feel like that but i'm sure he won't leave you, he prob loves u all the more cos your carrying his bubba , doesn't make it any easier when it's your body thats being taken over though :( :hug:

First of all, sit down and take some deep breaths.

You are pregnant with a little baby! - Its a huge change for you in all areas. I agree with the other girls, in the fact that your hormones are taking over your thoughts on everything.

Congratulate yourself on getting through your first trimester. I think some of what your feeling is perfectly normal. I found that I didn't really enjoy weeks 13/14 up till week 18 that much as I just knew I was starting to put on weight with nothing to show for it. My husband had earache from me saying to him "I'm getting fat" "I feel fat". My clothes were getting tighter etc, my boobs were getting huge and I just simply felt fat. However, once I got to about 18 weeks it all seemed to change as I started to get a bump and now I can honestly say I really love being pregnant and proud to show the bump off.
You WILL put on weight, but put it into perspective - you are carrying a growing baby.!!!!

I chatted to my friend last night who gave birth to her second son 3 weeks ago. She put 3 stone on in total and she has already lost 2 and a half of it in 3 weeks with little effort. She cheered me up no end!!!

Accept the changes to your body and try to focus on what you will have at the end of it all -a beautiful baby. Your boyfriend will love you more for carrying his baby

thanks first time mum :angel: ...i no i no im being silly i need a gud slap lol...dont get me wrong its not tht i dnt like being pregnant cuz i do i love it ...its jst tht like u say im at tht stage where its crossed between bump n flab and im small aswell 5ft2!!! im sure once i get further and its a proper bump i wont b sooo bad (im still in my size 10s so i cnt b tht big) but like i say im jst being silly thnks 4 ur replys xx
Hey you look gorgeous in your avatar so stop worrying or we'll all give you a good old slap :lol:
haha cheers hun!!! i think i need a gud nite sleep and a gud old pampering session lol xx
Defo, nothig like a good old pampering session to make you feel good! :hug:
Oh hun I think we all have days where we feel like this!
Hormones do not help one bit! :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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