feeling low


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey ladies sorry ive not been posting on here much, i do keep popping in to see how everyone is but life is crazy at the moment..

I'm started back at work on my stroke unit where i work as a nurse in London. so i work sat, sun and Monday nights straight after my last night shift i get train back and pick my son up from the mil, who looks after him while i am away for three days working. OH works too but he picks Ewan up from his mum once he finishes and drops him back over there before he starts work. Each time i leave if feels like my heart is breaking, especially when MIL talks about all the lovely things she is getting to do with him.

Its probably worse as my hormones are everywhere coz of this pregnancy. I have figured out although i love being pregnant and enjoy feeling my baby move and want to become a mum again, pregnancy doesn't agree with me. I feel low, this time i have severe morning sickness and now my sciatica is playing up which is the problem i had a this point when carrying Ewan.
I only got back to work a couple of weeks ago and have an appointment again today to get signed off as my leg is dead and keeps giving way beneath me. I feel useless and like i'm moaning all the time.

Work are not supportive, and feel almost bullied because i'm pregnant and cant do certain things that i could do before such as taking difficult patients who lash out. I had one the other day and told person in charge i didn't feel comfortable taking the patient as he kept kicking and punching staff. they wouldn't listen and put him with me anyway and i ended up getting slapped and trying to support him as he got out of bed. just feel unsafe.

Sorry for the moan, anyone else got similar work situations or home? How is everyone else getting on?
Sorry to hear your feeling so down hunny, massive :hugs:
Can you not speak to HR? Surely they should be putting you in those situations knowing you are pregnant x x

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time! :hug:

I'm a bit clueless when it comes to this type of thing but as M2A said, try speaking to HR?

Hope things pick up for you soon xx
Hadn't thought about HR, Might try that, Thanks girls. How r u getting on? x
Fingers crossed they're able to sort something out for you!

All good here thanks hun :) Was really ill on Tues and a bit iffy yest but feeling a lot better today :yay: xx
Definetly speak to HR hunny, hope they can sort something out for you.

Things are great here, thanks hun, had another 4d scan on Monday (pics are on another thread) and missy weighs 2lb2oz and was measuring 26w2d, she said my due date was the 22nd Oct! So i know have an unofficial due date to aim towards, cant believe im either 26w5d or 25w3d, either way its starting to speed up :D x x

thanks, gosh m2a bet u were suprised when they added an extra week, what thread are pics on would love to see the LO, glad you are feeling better danti. doctor signed me off for a week, see if i can get appointment with HR this week x
Really hope HR sort something out for you hunny, id start writing situations where you have been left with someone you really shouldnt of, that way they will think that you are taking this really seriously and you wont have to think of situations of the top of your head.
I was abit suprised when she said it, i though i may be a couple of days ahead but not 9! Ill bump the thread for you so you can have a nosey at the pics hunny. Are you having a 4d one? x x

im hoping too as we had one when i was pregnant with ewan and it was amazing, got some extra growth scan as well so either way gna get to lo again which will be great. so does this mean your leaving us to head in to tri 3 soon? x
I could of sat there all day watching lottle missy, its amazing what technology can do now.
Its my last day in tri-2 today, its really quite scary! I cant believe how time is flying x x


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