feeling guilty :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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im having such a bad day. tomoro is my due date and throughout my entire pregnancy i have been over the moon with the fact that im going to be a mum, but today i just feel so down. im uncomfy and scared and tired and had a few arguments with my otherhalf cause we're both feeling the pressure. he said 'it will all be worth it when we meet the little one'.. and for the first time i thought it wouldnt be worth it. just feel terrible for thinking like that. when i was 9 months my mum killed herself due to post natal depression (not looking for sympathy). but its just got me so scared incase im not gunna bond with my baby :(
hoping its just a bad day, because up intil today i really have been so looking forward to becoming a mum.
have any of you guys had a day like this? just wanna feel normal really. x
aww hun, its normal to have mixed emotions in pregnancy, your going to be a fab mummy and yes its a scary time but you can do it! And just because your mum had PND doesnt mean to say you will, i havent had it with any of mine yet my mum has with her 3rd child! sorry to hear about your mum too :hugs:
I'm sure when your LO arrives you will love him/her more than anything and then you can start feeling normal again (well of sorts anyway lol) your going to be fab hun xxx
Aww hun, being really heavily pregnant is tough but it is worth it!! Today my baby turned 5 months and he giggles and smiles all the time and it makes my day!! Im so sorry about your mum but please dont think that this is what is going to happen to you, the first few weeks are an emotional rollercoaster but take all the help and rest you can!! In the mean time put your feet up and enjoy the last few days of freedom!!
Hey hun! I do think it's perfectly normal to get last minute nerves! I certainly did. You will have plenty of support with the midwives, health visitors even your gp who will talk you through your worries.

Grab yourself a nice bath, early night and I'm sure things will look brighter in the morning.

Big hugs xxx
thanks girls, just really needed some reassurance that i havent turned into a complete monster!! im sure tomoro will be a new day and i will feel more positive xx
Sorry about your Mum but that doesn't mean you will get PND. It's normal with hormones to feel up and down and now you're at the end you've just had enough. Tomorrow is a new day :) xxx
Aw, sorry you had a bad day today. Its normal to have these feelings, but believe me when you hold your lo you will know its all been worth it!
Sorry about your mum, but as the others have said there is no reason why you should have PND and there is much more support and awareness out there these days, than there would have been when you were a baby.
I hope you feel better tomorrow. Xx
I'm sure like all the other ladies on here, that you are going to be an amazing mum. I'm very sorry about what happened with your Mum when you were a baby, but it doesn't mean that you will be the same. And there is alot more support and things available now for PND xxxx
Sorry to hear you had a crappy day yesterday!
Hope today's a better one for you xx

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