Feeling fed up today


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Feel a bit low today. It’s my birthday tomorrow and I can’t seem to look forward to it, partly because I have been told by my Mum this morning that a few people have said they are going to be buying me things for the baby instead of me for my birthday which has upset me as I have everything for the baby now and also its my birthday not baby’s, they wouldn’t buy things for me on baby’s birthday and also I don’t feel like doing anything, I would normally go out shopping for clothes and then off out drinking but as I cant do either now I feel like it’s jus going to be another day. My OH is being wonderful and understanding but I feel like I’m letting him down in some ways as he keeps suggesting things and I just feel so low about it I don’t really want to do anything and to top it all off one of my mates (use the term lightly) admitted the other day that she had totally forgotten that it was my birthday tomorrow when someone I hardly know txt me to wish me a happy birthday, which makes me feel even more cr*ppy
Sorry to rant on just feel quite low and down in dumps today :(
awwww thats a pisser that they are buying for the baby! Its your birthday after all.
im sad you're miserable. Maybe you should go out and treat yourself instead then. Go and get something just for you and you only. :hug: :hug:
Yup exactly what i said Budge. I'd say something but my Mum would get upset with me if i were to. Might spoil myself with Choccys for the day :)
:hug: :hug: Thankyou for the hugs just what i needed!
Why buy things for your baby on your birthday? :? weird...It's your birthday and people should know how annoying pregnancy can get towards the end and should be trying to cheer u up not ur baby who's quite happy where he is lol Just tell everyone u already have everything you need for the baby, and you could use some cheering up...

Budge post some more funny threads to cheer the girl up :)

Happy Birthday for tomorrow anyways! Probably will say it tomorrow too!!!
Grr i know but thats what you get from old fashioned people (no offence) my OH said bout saying to them i dont need anyhting for baby too but it would just upset my Mum she thinks i should be grateful for whatever i get, but don't get me wrong i'd appreciate them buying him things but i want tomorrow to be about me and i wouldnt mind but they will probably buy something else when he is born anyway :wall:

Thankyou hun :hug:
awww :hug: :( Just be gratful for what they do give you then and just go off and do something thats just for you, go get yourself pamperd...and i dont mean with nappies lol.
That's crap :(

Go out and have a selfish day doing what you want and like the others say buy yourself a gogeous pressie :hug:
Hey Princess, sending you :hug:
I totally know how you feel, its my birthday today and it sucks (for a whole host of reasons)

Everyone's right, go and treat yourself :D

Wish I had!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow

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