Feeling Fat!!


Oct 12, 2008
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l just feel horrible. Look a wee bit pregnant but more plump and l hate it! Does anybody know if l can join slimming world? Is that the one with the checks? I joined one just before l feel preg and was on 40 checks a day, sure it was slimming world. So scared of getting huge, dont mind a big bump but would hate to be massive.

S x
Aww dont worry hun :hug: Your not alone!

You dont need to diet whilst pregnant.. Just eat healthily and moderately exsersize :D Your body will do what it has to do and gain what it needs to gain. Just go with the flow.. Theres plenty of time for diets once baby is born :)

We all feel more insecure during pregnancy and i deffinately do. I had just lost 2 1/2 st before getting pregnant with Lovella (my fist baby).. Then stressed like you but thought stuff it in the end! I did gain weight but i went and lost 5st by the time she was 4 months old :) Sensibly.

THEN.. Found out i was pregnant again a month later :rotfl: Iv gained weight.. and at first felt down.. but i know i lost the weight once and can do it again! So theres no need to worry. A healthy baby is whats important :hug: Enjoy your pregnancy hun and dont restrict yourself.. Its ok to enjoy the occational treat you know! :D Being pregnant doesnt mean you'll become massive if you just eat sensibly :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel the same hun, unlike carly I didnt manage to lose all the weight I put on with my son and even though I havent gained much weight this time I just feel fat - but as Carly said it is best to just eat sensibly and do a little exercise, a healthy baby is all that matters - this time I will lose the weight after the baby is born.

If you want you can join slimming world, I was going to but my midwife advised me against it (probably because I had an eating disorder before). Slimming world is the one where you have red or green days and syns for treats.
I am exactly the same you have got to not worry I know its hard!!! But I have put over a stone on already hunni and I feel so unattractive but all I keep thinking is my baby is healthy and its not going to be like this forever just a mere 9 months!!! :D

I hope you start to feel OK!! If you dont mind me asking have you put alot of weight on or just feel fat?

I felt fat for ages and didnt think I looked pregnant at all and now I look pregnant so dont worry it will come... your not fat tho hun and ya dont need to diet. Like carl said your body needs it so go with the flow... im trying not to worry about my weight until after the baby is born and have not weighed myself the whole time..
Im feeling huge just now too, ive put on over a stone and a half!! but keep telling myself it will all be worth it when i have baby in my arms and i can loose it after the birth. :hug:

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