Feeling Down


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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cant stop crying at the moment, not sure whats the hecks wrong with me - im crying for absolutly no reason whatsoever.

and to top it all my fetal doppler has flipping broken :( I managed to get beans heartbeat on Wednesday night and since then the damn doppler has been playing up cutting out on me every few seconds so i guess thats upset me a bit, and when ti did stay on long enough i couldnt find beans HB :(

Guess im panicing.. MS seems to have stopped too :( :( :( :(

whats going on :( ?
Its called being pregnant babes!! All those hormones flying around will cause havoc with your emotions, I still get teary/angry/scared days even now!!

Its not nice as sometimes you have no reason to cry etc and you feel lousy for no reason but at least you kinda know whats causing it :hug:

Hope you feel better soon

Ive been exactly the same, the good thing is...............its wearing off and im not so tearful, im pretty sure the doppler thing is nothing to worry about, if it didnt stay on for long, little bean probably buggered off to a different position!!

And as for symptoms, i'm 13 weeks now and am only just getting them!!

Take care and hope you feel better soon :hug:
Aaarrr the HORMONES!!!! :cry:

I am so hormonal at the minute babe I can really sympathise :hug: :hug: crying and paranoia are the two for me this week. My tear ducts just pop for no reason, I come over so emotional at everything! OH thinks I've lost the plot! :rotfl:
Hormones hormones..why do we have to have all these emotions rushing around us but men have NOTHING?? They should invent a pill that makes men suffer pg symptoms of a week!! Throwing up til u cant breathe, bad poos, cramps, emotions sky high!!! See how they like it! :shakehead:
Hope u feel better soon hun :hug: :hug:
hope you feel better soon hun, those hormones! :shakehead: :hug:
thx for the support ladies, still tearey on and off - its really bizarre.

Good news is - after losing my temper with the doppler and throwing it across the room it now works ! Took 15 flipping minutes though to find beans HB, but at least I knows bean is ok.

I guess i should be thankful the MS seems to have subsided.

Love to you all x
glad you found HB in the end :cheer: i think id like one of those but then id panic too if i couldnt find the HB!
Emma22 said:
glad you found HB in the end :cheer: i think id like one of those but then id panic too if i couldnt find the HB!

Yes sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Glad you are feeling a bit happier!
myst said:
Good news is - after losing my temper with the doppler and throwing it across the room it now works !

:lol: Glad its working again! Your morning sickness is probably just wearing off cos you're near 12 weeks :hug:
Firstly :hug: for you doll.. Hormones Eh.... it will settle..... Next i have to say i loved this reply...... SO FUNNY and TRUE!!! he he he

Jayceesmumma said:
Hormones hormones..why do we have to have all these emotions rushing around us but men have NOTHING?? They should invent a pill that makes men suffer pg symptoms of a week!! Throwing up til u cant breathe, bad poos, cramps, emotions sky high!!! See how they like it! :shakehead:
Hope u feel better soon hun :hug: :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Tattooed lady made a good point too,
"Yes sometimes ignorance is bliss. " Fancy gadgets are great when they work, but it can't be good for you when they don't..... I know they are meant as piece of mind and fun stuff, but now you know bean is doing well, do you really need the upset if it breaks down again?

Glad your feeling happier all the same :cheer: Take care Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :hug:

Glad you found it now hun and we all get very emotional during pregnancy , and you should be very happy that ms has gone the earlier the better :)
Sorry your feeling this way hunnie - but id throw the baby hb monetering thing away! - all the pregnancy books i have dont reconmend them - there very un-reliable. And it will (as it has) stress you out if you cant find the HB or the thing breaks!

Get as much sleep and rest as you can, buy your self i big bar a dark choc (good for you! - and it releases happy hornmoanes) buy a good happy book (right now im ready peter kays autobiography) and take long hot baths in the evening.
all this i do every night!
The hornmones will soon pass/ease - so just know its just a pregnancy symptom and chil! i hope you feel better soon :)
Awww hope you're feeling better soon!

yous hould have read some of my earlier posts, I could cry when OH had different tastes or opinions to me!

Nowdays it's not so much tears as sheer evilness :twisted:

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