Feeling down today! :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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I really don't know what's wrong with me! Just feel really gloomy today!!!! Went to my midwife appointment today, and nothing bad happened!!! She didn't listen out for heartbeat, but I was actually happy as I was alone and was worrying that if there was a problem with hearing the hb I would be on my own and have to get to the hospital alone too!!!

She gave me a huge pack about Down syndrome too! She had sent away for it so that she knew everything she needed to care for me properly! She is so sweet and thoughtful and really has been a great support!!!!

I really don't know what's wrong with me!!!!! So stupid isn't it! Xxxx
oh hun hormones are horrible things i have days when I feel down and fed up and I don't really know why. How fab that your midwife is on the ball though bet thats a real relief. xxxxxxx
I think what it is you are concentrating so hard on looking after your precious girl that you've forgotten people want to look after you too. That's a lovely thing that your midwife did and chances are she wouldn't have done it if she didn't have so much faith in you as a mummy to be.

Please remember you sometimes hope. I know it's easy to forget but you are a special person and will make a wonderful mummy.

The downer hormones are crap but they don't rule us for long, a day or two at the most. You'll soon feel like you again xxxxxxxxxx
Hormones - I've had days like this as well...everyone's sweet to me, I should be feeling happy, but just don't.

Hope you feel better soon!

Oh Hun. U r bound to feel like it at times - we all do. poxy pg hormones :hug:
I'm glad your midwife is so good and that todays appointment went ok. Sorry your feeling now, put your feet up and pamper yourself.

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