Feeling crappy!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Went down with a stinking headache and feeling sick at 10am promptly fell asleep as felt so rough. Woke up 2 hours later and threw up all afternoon. Had terrible pains in my side an tummy but thought maybe they were from being sick. By half 3pm I decided to give the midwife a call who decided to send me up to the hospital for a check.

I am totally horrified by my hospital visit!

I had stopped being sick by this point so when I got to the hospital I asked them if I could have some water - no. I asked if I could have some lucozade - no. This was at 4pm. I had bloods done did a urine sample and had bp done. Then was left till 7pm before I decided I had had enough in that time I had seen no-one!. I spoke to a midwife who said the doctor could be another few hours yet but I could go home because it was probably a migraine!!! I asked for my notes to go home with when she went to get them she came back saying that my bloods were really high showing I was fighting an infection and she now thinks its a UTI.
needless to say I decided to come home and see my GP tomorrow for some antibiotics.

My son was born in the same hospital under emergency situation because of their incompetence. Now after 13 years its seems they are no different and I felt so tearful on the way home. I feel petrified of having this little one there now.
Aw no Hun. They sound very incompetent. I hope you feel better very quickly.
Oh babe sorry you've had such a rough day. Rest up as much as you can and drink plenty. Chat to your midwife about your hospital options, you need to have faith in the people who are meant to be helping you. Big hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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