Feeling crap


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Well after feeling amazing the last couple of days today I feel really shitty. Woke up in a crap mood, feel on the verge of tears, getting dressed turned into a massive rant, I don't even want to contemplate the school run and to top it all off I feel so sick! Ate half a bowl of cereal before I felt too sick to carry on! I don't want to be pregnant anymore! I just want my baby here! I can't wait for the pains to start! But he seems determined to not come yet, in fact he's happily wriggling away on my cervix right now that causes so much pain!!!!
Won't be much longer Hun! Sounds like how I felt the night before my labour started!! x x
I'm getting really frustrated because for about a week I've had niggly pains that have just gone nowhere and it's really upsetting me (or it is today I wasn't fussed last two days). I am practically in tears because I have to take DD to school! I don't want to! I even seriously considered keeping her off today (not that I ever would) but that's how I feel!
aww helen.. Big, huge hugs.. I hope you start to feel better and the little man realises its time to come out and give his mummy a break now :) x
Thank you x I feel so ungrateful but I've just had enough x
:hugs: Alot of ppl says it drags this last few weeks, sure it has slowed down but i think it is the "not knowing" that is worse and you sort of get "signs" and hope goes up and its torture!
:hugs: You know tho that as soon as sebs here this times will be all forgotten about :hugs:
big hugs hun hormones really dont help do they iv been tetchy as hell last 24hrs which when your not feeling physcially good makes things worse
I think it is the not knowing and the getting your hopes up that is draining me. That and the sickness!

Hormones are a bitch aren't they SL! I sat at the kitchen table this morning and cried and cried and told my OH that there's no way we're having any more biological children! I couldn't do this again!

Thanks guys! I love I cancome here and rant and no one will judge me or tell me to 'suck it up' and 'stop complaining'! It helps so much!
I think it is the not knowing and the getting your hopes up that is draining me. That and the sickness!

Hormones are a bitch aren't they SL! I sat at the kitchen table this morning and cried and cried and told my OH that there's no way we're having any more biological children! I couldn't do this again!

Thanks guys! I love I cancome here and rant and no one will judge me or tell me to 'suck it up' and 'stop complaining'! It helps so much!

lol my neighbours must have thought id lost plot last night when molly stood in kitchen and asked me to get a drink when i was layed on sofa i was like shouting at top of voice your next to the effing tap ffs! she just looked at me and laughed:whistle: im swinging between hyper and anger in seconds im lucky in a way as i know iv only got a week at most left but id so love to go into labour just to experience it and just feel a bit of a failure that iv not had a peep of anything
I think it is the not knowing and the getting your hopes up that is draining me. That and the sickness!

Hormones are a bitch aren't they SL! I sat at the kitchen table this morning and cried and cried and told my OH that there's no way we're having any more biological children! I couldn't do this again!

Thanks guys! I love I cancome here and rant and no one will judge me or tell me to 'suck it up' and 'stop complaining'! It helps so much!

lol my neighbours must have thought id lost plot last night when molly stood in kitchen and asked me to get a drink when i was layed on sofa i was like shouting at top of voice your next to the effing tap ffs! she just looked at me and laughed:whistle: im swinging between hyper and anger in seconds im lucky in a way as i know iv only got a week at most left but id so love to go into labour just to experience it and just feel a bit of a failure that iv not had a peep of anything

I'm so glad im not the only one getting this! I'll say to lacey do you want anything and shes like no, so ill lie on the sofa then straight away i get, mummy i want a drink... grrrr!! It takes me ages to roll off the sofa now, so much effort!!!
I think it is the not knowing and the getting your hopes up that is draining me. That and the sickness!

Hormones are a bitch aren't they SL! I sat at the kitchen table this morning and cried and cried and told my OH that there's no way we're having any more biological children! I couldn't do this again!

Thanks guys! I love I cancome here and rant and no one will judge me or tell me to 'suck it up' and 'stop complaining'! It helps so much!

lol my neighbours must have thought id lost plot last night when molly stood in kitchen and asked me to get a drink when i was layed on sofa i was like shouting at top of voice your next to the effing tap ffs! she just looked at me and laughed:whistle: im swinging between hyper and anger in seconds im lucky in a way as i know iv only got a week at most left but id so love to go into labour just to experience it and just feel a bit of a failure that iv not had a peep of anything

I'm so glad im not the only one getting this! I'll say to lacey do you want anything and shes like no, so ill lie on the sofa then straight away i get, mummy i want a drink... grrrr!! It takes me ages to roll off the sofa now, so much effort!!!

lol i have a huge coffee table infront of sofa and i use it to haul myself up so not pretty!
I snapped at DD this morning because she asked me for knickers! I yelled at her to go and get some! Then felt awful for it. OH usually gets the brunt of it! He asked me if I wanted a drink of juice the other day and I reacted as if he'd just said he'd killed the cat or something! Poor bloke!
:hugs: Sorry you are feeling so rubbish!!
i feel crap too but i'm the opposite and want baby to stay put as long as it can!! Baby is still very active so am hoping its quite happy at the mo!!! I just want to get sorted myself and get home before baby kicks off!!!!

I can't work out how i'm going to be able to do everything at the mo!!!
im not very moody atall actually, im quite calm and happy. I do cry a little ocasionally for silly things but i dont think im too bad, i dont snap either. OH is so lucky! I do moan i little now and again but its mostly when im in alot of pain about that i have had enough and dont want to go trough it again (so when i get broody in a few month time remind me that pregnancy is not for me)

its prob diferent tho when you have a child already, i only got my self to look after really so i dont HAVE to do anything..
Well after a wonderful mw appt I now feel much better! It was either the great appt or the fact that OH has said he's taking us out for Chinese! Lol! A mix of both I think!!!!

So excited again now! Proper buzzing!
Aw Helen, I want a Chinese now!! Glad your appointment went well! x x

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