feeling awful!

fein _but_waiting!

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
this morning i woke up with sore stomach (bowel related! mild irritable bowel which i haven't had an episode of in a year) and once i was ok again, i needed to be sick which doensn't happen when i have my episodes! it also wasn't like when you have a sick bug and need to keep being sick, it was just once and now i feel weak and nauseated. I'm guessing it was first signs of morning sickness mixed with an unfortunate random appearance by my non cooperative bowel! Sorry for the TMI, just complaining about the timing of my silly body!! Oh and the third wrong timing? my body decided i should be ill and woken up at 6am on a day off! :puke:
Hi hun i cand kinda sympathise with you on this one ive had a rotten tummy all weekend with trips to the loo (tmi) and bad wind :oops: Thankfuly ive only got the nausea feeling atm but no doubt that will kick in during the next few days. :hug:
lol, i'm not telling anyone at work yet as it's so early on and just want to wait a week or so at the least (boss wise) but can you imagine constant trips to the loo like that for over a week?! they'll be like, stay away from us, you're contaminated, :lol: i also only just started this job as well, literally 2 days before i found out. New job, new happy beginnings i like to think

I suffer from crohns disease so bowels are my speciality. I can completely sympathise with any bowel orientated problems and i too am having awful problems with wind!! All in all i am a pleasure to be around! lol

I've not really had any sickness apart from a few sicky feelings but im finding the tiredness also hard to come to terms with (the crohns doesnt help on that score either)

Hope you feel better soon and your bowels settle down.

Claire x
I started my new job last weekend to and myself am thinking what they'l think if i keep running back and forth but the bigger worry is the family if we stay over whet they might say as were not telling them til the 12wk scan mmm im going to have to think up something good for this one!

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