Ok so here goes. It's a bit of a read and I don't want to put anyone off - it's a little traumatic.
With my first, I was induced at 37 weeks, because my dr was worried I would develop pre- eclampsia. I don't think my body was quite ready. Lots of pitocin (I think called sintocin here), pessearies too. My waters did break on their own, but I was only 1 cm when that happened. I was offered an epidural at 2 cm (about 6hours into the process). The epi was a godsend for the backaches, but I think it also slowed down labor because I had it so early. After 25 hours I was finally ready to push (which was good because my dr wasn't going to let me labor any longer due to infection risk). All of a sudden dd's heart rate went way down during each contraction and wasn't coming back up in between. He looked at me and said she had to come out NOW, so I consented to a section. Turns out she turned face first and was stuck. I don't regret it at all, she was born healthy within minutes and I was fine too. It was just such a traumatic experience. I was scared and felt so out of control. When they told me she was born and showed me to her, I was so drugged up that just looked at her and went back to sleep.
After I came around, dh brought her to me I was in shock. I feel like I really missed out on that initial bonding experience and it took weeks to over come it. It took even longer for me to stop blaming myself for needing a section. I know and knew it wasn't anybody's fault and there is nothing wrong with having a c sec, but I couldn't help feeling like a failure in some way.
So I'm sat here today, worrying about a repeat experience. We don't have a planned induction this time, I still want an epidural, but am afraid of another traumatic experience. The anesthetist said I am more likely to require a section because of my history and bmi. I am trying to keep my oil for Dh's sake - he gets in a panic whenever I get bh. I just don't know how to ease some this anxiety.
With my first, I was induced at 37 weeks, because my dr was worried I would develop pre- eclampsia. I don't think my body was quite ready. Lots of pitocin (I think called sintocin here), pessearies too. My waters did break on their own, but I was only 1 cm when that happened. I was offered an epidural at 2 cm (about 6hours into the process). The epi was a godsend for the backaches, but I think it also slowed down labor because I had it so early. After 25 hours I was finally ready to push (which was good because my dr wasn't going to let me labor any longer due to infection risk). All of a sudden dd's heart rate went way down during each contraction and wasn't coming back up in between. He looked at me and said she had to come out NOW, so I consented to a section. Turns out she turned face first and was stuck. I don't regret it at all, she was born healthy within minutes and I was fine too. It was just such a traumatic experience. I was scared and felt so out of control. When they told me she was born and showed me to her, I was so drugged up that just looked at her and went back to sleep.

So I'm sat here today, worrying about a repeat experience. We don't have a planned induction this time, I still want an epidural, but am afraid of another traumatic experience. The anesthetist said I am more likely to require a section because of my history and bmi. I am trying to keep my oil for Dh's sake - he gets in a panic whenever I get bh. I just don't know how to ease some this anxiety.