feeling anxious about sex?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Hiya girls hope your all well.
We've been TTC for countless number of years, was diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
Went through ivf last year unfortunately was unsuccessful so we've been waiting to go through ivf again this year.
Unbelievably the same day we got the letter confirming we can have another 2 cycles we got our bfp!!
That was a week on Saturday, its starting to become more realistic now, got an private early scan booked for the 8th June so we'll be just over 8 weeks.
anyways we haven't had sex since we've found out our amazing news, iv either been too tired or too bloated and was getting cramps/ twinges.
Think hubby is a bit anxious about it too, just don't want to risk anything after waiting for this for so long.
Was you worried about having sex? How long did you wait?
Sorry if too forward
I'm the same. I've put a ban on sex until after our early scan in 2 weeks.
Firstly, huge congratulations, i wish you a healthy happy journey.

We are still having sex, but it has gone from almost everyday to once a week. (Im now 9weeks)

I have had repeated mcs, so I have asked every question under the sun about ways to help this one. Not once was I told to have pelvic rest, and I have asked.

Unless you have a medical reason there is no reason not to enjoy intercouse.

I have fpund myself wanting it more...hormones...but fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.

I think everyone regardless of history is anxious that it may do harm.

We take it slower now more gentle, the once a week we get to it lol

But follow your own instinct xx
Nee haven't had sex since I found out I am pregnant; I'm now 13weeks & 1day!!

My OH is scared of hurting me and because we had a loss before (although we know this one is okay) it's just a bit weird for us at the moment..

I think it will happen soon because the longer we leave the more scared we get??!!

Don't really have a sex drive at the moment though to be honest..

I hear that changes in Tri-2??!!

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During my last pregnancy my husband wouldn't touch me - he thought his penis could touch the baby (he wishes it was that big) but this time around I have been amazingly randy and I think he's been loving it - but I am getting a lot bigger a lot quicker than last time to I think we only have another 2 months left of getting jiggy before he's put off again! Xx
We haven't had sex either. We miscarried last time so I was/am very anxious.
Took us 15 months to conceive this time also.
Congratulations xx
I suffered recurrent miscarriages and have never been told to avoid sex. With both my daughter and this current pregnancy we have actually been having sex more than usual lol (my husband apparently loves my big belly) and there's been no problems either time.
Hey me and oh have only have sex 3 times from we found out partly cause he is freaked out and me cause I just been so tired and sick. Everyone is different and I think cause it took us 2.5yrs to get pregnant made us not want to xx
We've not had sex yet and I'm over 13 weeks. Scan on Tuesday so might think about it after that. I've not felt massively horny tho more nauseous! xx
Massive congratulations to you both!!!
I never stopped having sex. Infact my sex drive went through the roof i needed it everyday as many times a day i could get it lol!!! I was very cautious and as much as i was scared my hormones got the better of me and always won. I couldnt resist! Once i got into tri 2 my sex drive as lowered. Theres no harm in having sex but its totally up to the individual and what makes them feel comfortable :) im sure you OH understands and theres also other ways to have fun other than having sex ;) xx
We are still having sex. As far as I'm aware, it can't harm the baby, otherwise we'd wait too!
Me and DH have hardly dtd since we found out. Nothing at all for tri 1 but a few times since I've gone into tri 2. I'm too tired most of the time. X
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We had a sex ban until tri 2 because I kept bleeding. There was no reason to stop other than for peace of mind.... It just about killed me. Making up for it now though :D

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