Feeling a little better...


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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Felt crappy this morning.. few twinges, dull achey feeling too and the dreaded brown spotting back :(
Anyway, have had lovely shower, peed on a stick and added a bucketload of goodies for myself to my Avon order (I'm a rep) so am definitely feeling better!
Even though I've done practically nothing since I got my first bfp (have to rest up on doc's advice), hubby still thinks I'm doing too much and has threatened to take a few days off work to watch me unless I do absolutely nothing all day LOL :D Bless him, he's just wonderful :love:
So am ignoring the hoovering and dusting (have done laundry and dishes but will have to try and hide that LOL) and I'm off to watch terrible telly all day!
Really pleased I bought POAS's in bulk from ebay (10 for £2.20!) is very reassuring to see the 2 pink lines whenever you feel like it :D
Ciao for now ladies.. back later when I've had my fill of 'Homes Under The Hammer' LOL :rofl: xxx
Awww...so glad you're feeling better sweet. A bit of rest can do wonders huh?xx
Awww Falling hun, that is great news, now rest up and what the day time telly... How far along are you again? xx
Glad your feeling abit better hun. Its amazing what abit of rest and girly time can do. Your hubby sounds very sweet and understanding, bless him x x

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Thanks all :D Haven't quite managed to tear myself away from the pc yet.. I have ebay auctions ending in a few mins so you'll have to put up with me for a bit longer!

I'm only about 4 weeks along so far, Hopeful.. so a blooming long way to go! I am going to get a ticker at some point but am still not 100% we're going to go the distance yet and can't face the thought of getting one then having to delete it. Hurry up 20weeks.. then I'll be able to relax a bit more :D xxx
Falling hun I think I already said to you on another post yesterday after hearing what you have had to endure, please embrace this pregnancy, I know what you mean about the ticker though but all the same it is something to be proud off and we are all here for you xx
Thanks Hopeful :hug:

I am feeling a lot more positive than I come across sometimes I think. I just remember how awful it was checking my email for the first time after the mc and seeing all the baby newsletters I'd signed up to :(

I feel soooo much better having all you guys to talk to. Although I can talk to hubby about anything, I don't want to be phoning him at work every 2 minutes. The mc was hard on him too and I know he's a bit worried this time around as well. It's fab to be able to get reassurance from my little worries from all of you, and equally fab that I don't have to keep worrying hubby, then saying it's ok.. then worrying him again, then saying it's ok again and so on!

Love and hugs to you all :hug: xxx
Glad you are feeling a bit better hun - I agree your hubby sounds great - enjoy putting your feet up! xx

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