Feeling a bit sad ....


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Hi, The baby i lost earlier this year would have been due now. I think that's why i'm very emotional at the moment, and am crying/worrying everytime I feel pains. :cry:

I'm finding it hard to talk to anyone about that as I feel a bit guilty thinking about how sad I feel when i'm also so happy :D about being pg again... Not sure many people close to me can understand.
so sorry hun thinking of you :hug: today must be terribly difficult for you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
thinking of you :hug:
It must be really difficult for you today
My due date was yesterday, so I know how you feel.

I think it's normal to feel a bit all over the place (I have been since becoming pg again). I know that I am happy, but part of me is frustrated and sad that I'm not holding that baby now.

I hope that as I move along in this pregnancy that feeling will fade. Hugs to you :hug:

Peanut x

Sorry to hear your feeling down. DO you mind me asking how long you waited before trying again and how long it took you to get pg??

Thinking of you and your little angel, my niece was also due yesterday but she was born in july and only lived 16 hours. You'll never forget your little one, but no one is going to curse you for being happy your pregnant agin. Well done and wishing you all the best xx
hi hun im so sorry you are feeling like this its only natural. Of course you are happy about being pregnant again but you will also feel sad for the loss of your other baby and i cant imagine what it is like but it must be hard. Am thinking of you hun and just look after yourself big :hug: x x
thanks everyone. feeling a lot better now. wish i'd known about this forum when it happened....the support really is great

Sarah(sazzleevans) - i'll PM you
sorry to hear that you're not feeling great :hug:

You have nothing to feel guilty about.. it is a totally different pregnancy with totally different babies.

Just because you're feeling happy and blessed to be having your twinnies doesn't mean that you can't feel sad for the baby you lost.

Sending big hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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