Feeling a bit sad now... (big moan)


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
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I had an appointment today with a senior MW to see if I was suitable for a CMU birth. Have been hoping for a waterbirth & I'd been told this should be ok. They've agreed to accept me but that its most likely that I'll have to be transferred to the consultant ward.

I have cervical erosion which bleeds loads, so if I have another bleed in the next 3 weeks they won't accept me. Also, if I bleed in labour at all then I'll have to be transferred as I'll be classed as high risk. I explained that I haven't been examined since about 20 weeks as I had a colposcopy appt which left me bleeding for 4 days afterwards, and I had a nightmare trip to hospital at around 15 wks because of a really heavy bleed. The erosion itself won't do me or the baby any harm at all and I was told it wouldn't be an issue when I was in labour as the cervix would be dilated.

So unless this has fixed itself then it looks like I'll be in the labour ward, which is super busy and so much more rigid than CMU. I think you pretty much have to do what they say, and you have to give birth in the bed (something to do with repetitive strain if you are on the mat).

Feeling sad, but I understand that they can't take any chances. Keep your fingers crossed for me, baby would be fine for a CMU birth, its just me thats letting the team down. xx
BIG :hug: Sorry to hear the latest. I really hope you can have the birth experience you want, Emma.

As for this:

Keep your fingers crossed for me, baby would be fine for a CMU birth, its just me thats letting the team down.

:shakehead: You aren't letting anyone down, so get that out of your head right now sweetie.
I agree with pickled, you are not letting anyone down!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Really hope you can get CMU birth..... fingers crossed for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun no no no don't beat yourself up.........its no-ones fault!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I also wanted my birth to be in my MW run birth unit, and look what happened to me :D

I have had to tell myself that I want my baby to be healthy and happy and will do whatever is necessary in order for that to happen........a c-section is a long way from the natural water birth I had planned, but hey ho - these things happen :wink: !

Fingers crossed you still get the birth you want though, there is still a really good chance :hug:

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