Feeling a bit down :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2012
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Hi Girls,

I am super excited about being pg but just feeling totally overwhelmed at the moment.

I don't have my booking appointment and 12 week scan until the 29th March and feel in total Limbo as I have had no contact with a midwife at all :(

I've never had any nausea or ms and even though I had a 7 week scan I still feel like something is wrong and I can't get it out of my head.

The next 3 weeks just feel like a massive stretch until I can get some reassurance which means I am not enjoying Tri 1 at all.

The other thing that is getting to me is giving up my spinning and Step classes they used to really help lift my mood, I have been swimming but I find it so boring and now I'm starting to put on weight around my tummy and I'm pretty sure it's not a bump yet!

I have thought about a private scan but it's £100 and not sure we can afford it at the moment.

L x
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Hi Looby :wave: Sorry you're feeling so down - it's a long old stretch til the 12 week scan isn't it? Almost feels like your a bit forgotton about and just want to know what's going on in there! Knowing that there are people on here to chat to is keeping me sane atm - sorry I can't be of much more help but you're not on your own in feeling a bit down in the dumps! xxx
I have had quite a few 'down' days, and the no symptom thing plays on my mind too, as of yesterday (where I had a particularly shit day) I have decided to now think positivite, I mean realistically what is the benefit of allowing ourselves to feel so crap!

Your not on your own hun, and this tri is so rubbish, I saw midwife yest and tbh she attributed to me feeling crap so your really not missing anything, and at least you have your scan date to look forward to, I'm still waiting! I too thought about paying for another scan but have decided to wait.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you, give us a smile...:) xx
Thanks Girls, glad I am not the only one!

I feel guilty for being down as all I have wanted for the last 9 months was to get pg!

We are so hard on ourselves aren't we?!

I feel exactly the same Looby

Have had a few wobbler days and as the scan gets closer Im really nervous and just want it over and done with. I want it to be the happiest day of hubby and my life seeing minion but I feel sick thinking "what if"

The time will fly in and you can always chat to us girlies on here and we will keep your spirits up (and I dont mean Vodka etc) xx
Oh lovely I know exactly how you feel! My scan isn't until the 27th so 2 days before yours and it seems like a flamin' lifetime away doesn't it?! It feels like its never going to get here! I am fed up of Tri 1. I've known I was preg for 7 weeks now so that's 7 weeks of constantly feeling on edge, worrying and panicking over every twinge, I am just desperate to feel 'safe' and have that reassurance of 12 week scan (although mine isn't until 13+3 grrrrr!)

I am so happy and so grateful to be pregnant and I just want to start enjoying it instead of worrying! And I also feel like an ungrateful cow as I had a scan at 8+5 and everything was fine so I shouldn't be feeling like this really... but all my symptoms have gone away, no sickness, no sore boobs and even my tiredness has lifted a lot this week. In fact I am feeling really well and perky! Which I should also be grateful for, but instead its just another thing to worry about. So until I get that 12 week scan I cannot stop worrying!

Sending you lots of hugs and also wishing that the next 2-and-a-bit weeks go reeeeaaaaally quickly for us both! This will all be a distant memory when we're in Tri 2 in a few short weeks hun xxx
Thanks girls, you are amazing! It really helps to write it down and get lovely responses :)

I had a 7 week scan as well so I really have nothing to moan about. I thought getting pg was hard enough but I spend all the time worrying and beating myself up that I'm not enjoying this experience!

Fx time flies for us now. We will be 12 weeks before we know it! Xxx
Aww Looby, know how you feel. up and down yo-yo between joy a d expextation, then fear about the baby being ok. I get excitedwhen my boobs feel tender and If I feel queasy. This is a great place to come for support and advice.
Sorry to hear your feeling down
I was exactly the same I had another private scan booked for weekend just gone and they cancelled at last min I was gutted I received my letter from hospital informing me that my scan was in 3 and a half weeks time but now it's a week today I must say as much as it gets me down I am a little more happy knowing it's soon less than a week and the time has gone rather quick now I have thought about it
Time will fly for you hun, I have everything crossed for you all xxx
Hi Girls

Just to say thanks again :) feeling better today and excited about meeting LO in 3 weeks!


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