feeling a bit down after hospital appointment


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2012
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Hello all,

I don't post much, but had a bit if a rubbishy day, and needed to vent a little bit!

I'm 34+3 with baby no.2. Baby no.1 was a very straightforward pregnancy- I felt well, textbook test results all the way thro, etc. Molly was born after induction, at term + 13, at just under 9lbs. Birth was rough, and we were both unwell after- me with a haemorrhage, and her with a short time in NICU, after a forceps delivery.

I been measurong ahead throughout this pregnancy- iat it's worst, 6cms ahead, and currently just under 4. Because my daughter was 9lbs, it was recommended that I have a GTT this time around, but my midwife overruled this, and said I didn't need it. On measurong me 6 weeks ahead, she then referred me for one t 30 weeks. In my pct, you are classed as diabetic with a reading of 7.8. Mine was 7.7. No further action, until Monday, when she decided thought I had polyhydramnious. So I was referred fo r an urgent growth scan today. The sonographer didn't seem tol have a clue why I was there, but was lovely, and quickly concluded that waters were normal, but baby is measurong on the big side, with an estimated weight of 6lbs1 at the moment. She was, however,concerned about abdominal circumference,which was large, and apparently an indicator gestational diabetes. So she sent me to the day unit, for my scan to be reviewed and potentially, a repeat GTT.

2hrs, I waited, with a midwife indicating a repeat GTT would likely be necessary, only for the rude registrar to look at my scan for 30 seconds, say within my earshot that 'the scan is completely normal, she shouldn't be here', and to tell me that I 'just grow big babies', I should e grateful that baby is big rather than small, and neither my midwife nor sonographer should be mentioning anything to me about complications.

I left feeling like a complete time waster, and like I had just turned up there of my own accord!

Why couldn't he just have been polite and reassuring, instead of rude and patronising??

Feel better for a little rant- just not enjoying this pregnancy as much as my last. X
How rude of the consultant, totally understand why you feel a bit pants. But don't consider yourself a time waster, you did nothing but follow the course of action the mw and sonographer put in place. I'm surprised he was so blasé about it given the borderline GTT results.
I do find though that sometimes the Drs and Registrars lack some bedside manner and can be abrupt.
Hope you feel better after some rest. Xx
Sorry u had such a horrid time hun, no matter what's going on they should b polite to you at all times. Glad the results are good tho. If u r worried about the results mayb just cut out sum sugars just so u feel like you are doing something. I have gd n it is a pain but the diets not to bad. Hope everything progresses smoothly for you now.

Hi hun this sounds very similar to my pregnancy. My first daughter was 8lb4 at 38 weeks so would have been very big if I went over. I measured spot on with her the whole pregnancy. This time I'm measuring 3-5 weeks ahead and nobody is concerned! On my personal growth chart he is way over the 90th centile which my daughter followed. I've asked time and time again about having a gtt but keep getting told I dont need one and that I just grow big babies (which I do believe, but wow I think people should listen to my concerns! ) and that "boys have more muscle so weigh more " !!!!! I have a scan next week for placenta issues, nothing to do with size but hoping I can get some clarity into all this.

I am sure all is ok hun but would be pushing for another opinion. It seems nobody seems concerned with big babies :-/
Sorry to hear you have had bad experiences. I swear some of these midwives/doctors etc really don't know what each other are doing. I was meant to have GTT at request of midwife then when I went to see nurse to get it done she said doctor didn't get why I was having one so sent me home and at my last midwife appointment the midwife went nuts and said I need one again as measuring 5 weeks ahead. She was meant to be asking for a second opinion and getting back to me but she hasn't bothered and I am 36 weeks on Tuesday so getting a bit close to due date now!

It is easy to get messed around by our health care professionals and it isn't our fault so don't see why they feel need to get rude with us; the patients who just follow orders! xx
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Absolutely, and I understand entirely why smaller babies are more of a concern. It's just quite frustrating to be dismissed so easily. I think I'm going to try and loosely follow a diet, and, like you say,at least I'll feel like I'm doing something! :)
Sorry to hear of your bad experience - extremely rude of consultant! I'm a ftm (currently 37+1) I have been concerned about GD for a while - I knew I was insulin resistant prior to pregnancy, I've been suffering several symptoms since tri 3 but my midwife refused to acknowledge them. 2 weeks ago there was glucose in my urine but still she wouldn't refer me because protocol says 'it must be present twice'. I went straight to my GP - fortunately he was far more understanding and logical and fast tracked me for a GTT - Low and behold my results came back same as yours - 7.7 (borderline). The diabetic nurse at the hospital was lovely and advised that I limit sugar intake as much as possible.
I have been following a GD diet for 2 weeks - there was no glucose in my urine at my most recent m/w appt. so I can only assume I have it under control on this diet. But it should have been picked up sooner (midwife admitted she was supposed to send me at 28 wks due to pre-existing condition but blamed some sort of data entry error on a student midwife).
Point is I'm full term and it wouldn't even have it under control now if I hadn't been persistent and gone over my midwife's head. I will also be having a private scan if baby hasn't arrived by due date to ensure his growth is normal. Never feel silly for following your instincts - it's your body and your baby. I know how frustrating it is when you don't get assessed properly because you don't fit their stupid tick boxes!
All I can advise is what I'm doing - eat as if you have GD anyway, and if you can afford a private growth scan a bit nearer your due date - go for it and get a second opinion.
I've had this a couple of times where they seem to be questioning me about why I'm there - as if I'm able to just book myself appointments and scans willy nilly! Communication was definitely poor as i always had to tell them what had been happening. There's no excuse for them being rude to you though xx
I'd sent in a complaint.. If anyone would've spoken to me whilst pregnant I would've walked out.. I don't do strangers talking to me like that..
that sucks. I would say though, it sounds like the registrar was more angry with the people that had frightened you unnecessarily, not at you :)

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