Feelin Guilty!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hi ,
I've been feeling guilty lately not for eating alot and gaining weight coz i know i can lose it all once baby is here and i am taking it as a break from dieting and watching my weight. what makes me guilty is eating junk food nearly everyday such as chips and chocolates :wall:
no one can imagine how bad i feel. i keep blaming my self and filling it with guilt although i love my baby sooo much but by eating unhealthy i think im not :cry:
Oh dont beat yourself up about it. Try to take vitamins to make sure you and baby are getting all you need and try to eat a piece of fruit and vegetable each day.

I have had to force myself to eat more fruit because I dont particularly like it. Some days I get to work with my apple and then pop out and get a donut instead!!!!! :oops:

I eat chocolate most days too!!!!!!

We are all trying to do our best for our growing babies but there is alot worse things that you could be doing!!!! It doesnt mean you dont love your baby because you skip the apples and carrots.

Keep your chin up.
I think its a case of finding a happy medium and not going to extremes one way or the other. I think if you are feeling bad for eating the food you are atm, then maybe have a rethink and try to find that balance. Making yourself feel guilty about such things isn't really good for you.

I like to try to eat decent non junk food as much as possible as a) its the best way to get vitamins and nutrients into my body and b) I feel better for it physically and mentally.

However, I don't deny myself treats and have naughty foods for sure. Life gets boring if you can't have some treats. So don't feel bad for nibbling on a bit of choccie every day :)

My one thing I don't do is eat foods like chips, takeout like McD's, KFC or pizza or drink fizzy sugar laden drinks. Or any other takeout tbh. I can't cope with how they make my body feel having eaten them. I literally do feel like crap and I find myself hungry again soon after. They are a quick fix food and don't really sustain me over a day. I personally don't believe that eating that food is of any benefit for my LO in here, so would rather avoid it.

I do try to cook tasty meals and include lots of veggies. But that doesn't mean they are boring. I'm a real foodie so love to have scrummy food :) I don't really eat much fruit but I like to treat myself to natural yogurt with mashed banana and chopped apple, and sometimes add a few raisins. Its very tasty, fills me up and tbh, I enjoy it more than chocolate some days :roll: :lol:

FWIW, as I understand it, vitamins gotten through our diets are better absorbed than those taken in pill form. Also I am a great believer in the thinking that eating a better all round, less fat and less sugar filled diet (the pointless foods that contain little to no nutritional value) actually makes us feel better in ourselves.

Plus taking regular exercise is good for us, both mentally and physically. So ensuring you get out for a walk an hour or so day if up to it will also go some to helping lift your mood perhaps.
I know how you feel. When I was just planning on becoming pregnant, I planned on being a saint about my diet. I eat healthily and I am a vegetarian, but I was going to be even better... Then I really was pregnant and very sick. All I could eat for weeks was potatoes, porridge and carrots. Now I feel better, but I can't stop myself from having something with caffeine in it pretty much every day. I know we are told this is okay, but there have been more studies about it lately and that worries me. The problem is I just can't control my cravings sometimes! Plus, I suffer from migraines and sometimes a little caffeine is the only thing that will help.

My point is, we can't be perfect, no matter what we planned, and we can only do our best. Just try experimenting with different foods or ways to sneak in a fruit or vegetable you wouldn't normally eat every day, and you will be doing well. Some women go through their entire pregnancies eating pints of ice cream and still have healthy babies. While I don't think it's a good idea, it shows that you are at least aware of what you want to change, which is better than many!
Dont feel guilty hon if you our eating a balanced healthy diet the odd treat will not harm the baby.
As has been said you could be doing a whole lot worse ie drinking smoking ect
A choccie bar and a bag of crisps now and then is not going to affect you little bubba.

I still eat naughty food i did beat my self up at the start but im ok with it now.
I love my choccies and would find it very difficult to give them up.
But i balance this out with plenty of fresh fuit and veg.
I love fruit bars as much as i love choccie bars and snack on them just as much. i adore mandarins and grapes and all the berries. And eat sugar snaps and baby carrot as snacks.
I still have the odd take away but my baby does not like cod or chicken burgers :( he makes me throw them back up :shakehead: ,He does like Chinese though :D
Low fat ice creams (skinny cow) is a good alternitve to naught full fat options. Have fruit in the ice cream best of both worlds

Lol Sarah

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